Chapter 11

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Welcome to Chapter 11 - you will notice that some editing and amendments are happening as I realise how bad my spelling was or things needed amending - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!!

Stiles/Thomas POV (Surprise!)

Where am I? What is that annoying beeping noise? Why does my chest hurt so much?

I tried to remember what had happened but everything was just blank, I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a room that for some reason looked familiar to me.

I looked around the room to try and find what that annoying beeping sound that was filling my ears, next to me was screen with squiggly lines on it and numbers but they were too blurry to make out what they said.

I was broken from my daze when I heard the door to my right open up and slammed shut, I slowly turned my head in its direction to see who had entered the room, in front of me in a panic was someone I thought I would never see again was stood there.

"Scott!" I stuttered out

"OMG, Stiles your awake. How are you feeling?" Scott asked while walking over to me.

"I'm fine." I say quickly

Scott chuckles at my answer and leans over to press a button on the wall behind me. "Only you can say you are fine after causing everyone so much panic and worry." He states while still chuckling.

Behind him the door opens again to reveal Melissa, she looks surprised to see Scott in my room but doesn't seem to notice I am awake.

"Scott, sweetie. What are you doing in here? Why did you press the button? Is there something wrong?" She stated with a panic tone entering her voice near the end of the sentence.

"I needed a moment away from everyone and I accidently came in here but Mum he's awake." Scott advises while pointing at me. This causes me to do a small wave in her direction.

Melissa quickly comes over and starts fusing over me, "Scott you need to leave please, I need to run some tests with Stiles." She stated but I grabbed Scott's hand so he couldn't leave.

"Can he stay please, I need him." I ask while trying to fight back the tears.

She nodded and started to ask some questions;


Firstly can you tell me your full name: My full name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski but I am known as Stiles. When I was with W.I.C.K.E.D I was called Thomas after Thomas Edison because they said I had a lot of bright ideas.

Can you tell me where you are now: Well I am going to guess as you are here in your uniform I am at Beacon Hill Hospital in Beacon Hills, California.

Can you tell me who this person is holding your hand: My Best Friend and Brother Scott McCall, we met in the sand box when we were four.

Can you tell me who your father is and what is his job? His name is Noah Stilinski and he is the Sheriff of Beacon Hills

"Thank you for answering these questions. Right now young man you need your rest so I am going to go get your Dad as he will want to see you and a sedative so you can rest more." Melissa explained.

I shook my head, "Please I don't want to sleep no more, I am scared I won't wake up again. Please just get my Dad and nothing else." I begged as she left the room.

"It's going to be okay, your home and your safe." Scott said trying to calm me down.

The door opened again and my dad came rushing in, tears were streaming down him face. I remember a few weeks ago I had a dream I saw him but when I woke up I was back with Minho, Newt and Teresa.

"Dad!, please tell me I am not dreaming again. Is this really you." I say as the tears come streaming down my face.

"Its me son, you are not dreaming I am here with you. I am so happy you are awake." My dad says the relief evident on his face.

I saw behind Scott that Melissa was stood with a needle ready in her hand, I kept shaking my head as I was not ready to go to asleep. I was scared that this was just a dream and I would wake up without them there.

"Please don't" I say but it was too late as I felt the needle enter my upper arm. The room started to grow darker as my eyes became heavy until all I saw was nothing but black.

Scott POV

Once Stiles was asleep again me and mum left his room heading back towards where everyone was waiting. Before I entered the room my mum grabbed my arm stopping me from entering.

"Why were you in his room when you knew no one was allowed in until I said so." She said with her stern tone so I knew I had to tell her the truth.

"I came back in and saw the room that dad was called about and curiosity got the better of me so I listened in and what I heard sent me into a panic so I need a place to calm down before returning here and didn't realise I was in his room until he spoke. I promise you that is the truth." I said.

She nodded understanding what I had said but didn't pressure me into saying anymore about what I had heard. I grabbed the door handle and entered the room to update them all.

"Well I have some good news for you all, Stiles or Thomas whichever you prefer to know him by woke up!" I said with a massive grin on my face.

A collective cheer rippled through the room as everyone was happy to hear he was awake, I quickly explained that he seems to remember everything and managed to answer a few questions before mum gave him a sedative.

"I think its going to be best for us to go home, have a shower, get some sleep, have some proper food and meet back here later and hopefully we can see Stiles or Thomas." Chris stated while I nodded in agreement, as I realised that it had been nearly 48 hours since any of us had left this room or the hospital.

As I walked into the kitchen, I sat on the nearest chair and all the emotion I had bottled up over the past few days had finally came out. I felt someone sat down next to me and embrace me in a hug until I was fresh out of tears, I quickly wiped my face and look to see surprisingly it was my Dad who had sat next to me and had comforted me .

"Well it's about time you let that out, I was worried you were going to wolf out at any second." My dad said.

"I'm sorry, I know I am meant to be strong." I started but my Dad cut me off.

"Scott, you have nothing to say sorry for, we just found your missing brother and learnt of everything he has been through over the past few years. You have been so strong for everyone else since you learnt we had lost contact with him, you really are the True Alpha." He said and I could tell he meant every word of it.

"Thanks Dad, I have something I need to tell you. When I was coming back from getting some fresh air I stopped and listened to the conversation you had with Ava." I admitted

"It's okay Scott, thank you for been honest with me. We do need to discuss this further but right now we both need a shower, some food and some sleep." He stated.

I nodded and headed to my room as sleep was my main focus right now.

Thank you for reading - next chapter will be up shortly!!!

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