Chapter 20

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Welcome to Chapter 20 - I am sorry it is a return of a video but it sorta fits with the story - enjoy and please forgive me!!

Walking into the station was like how I would imagine walking down a red carpet would feel like, as soon as we stepped through the door everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and just looked in our direction mainly towards Stiles.

"Why is everybody staring at you?" Stiles asked acting so unobvious they were actually staring at him.

"Nice try, we both know that they are looking at you. The adoptive little brother of everyone in this station has finally been found and is now finally joining them." I state joking nudging him but noticed the confusion setting in on his face.

"Oh really? I generally did think that everyone was looking at you and not me." He explains while blushing with embarrassment, as I notice my dad coming out from the side office.

"Ah boys, I thought I heard you both arrive. Come this way and we can get started." My dad said waving us both over as everyone returned to the jobs they were doing.

Once we walked into the room I noticed the piles of paperwork stacked on the desk, secretly praying that he didn't have to fill all them in right now. My dad chuckled as he sat behind his desk noticing the look on Stiles's face at the paperwork which I guess was the same expression as my own.

"Don't worry, you do not have to fill all this in. You only have two files to do today, one is just to sign of your final case in relation to everything that has happened and the second is the official paperwork for your reassignment back to Beacon Hills. After you have done this we are going to head to the range to test that trigger finger of yours, judging by the footage I have saw you should pass your qualification straightaway." Dad advised us.

"Now before we start some business we need to discuss, as part of your return to active duty you will be required to meet with a councilor every two weeks who will report your progress back to myself. Before you start this is mandatory for all agents coming back from long-term undercover assignments." My dad stated quickly as we both notice Stiles tense up at this.

"Will I have to discuss about what has happened?" Stiles asks through gritted teeth.

"No not straightaway, the first few sessions are for you to talk about whatever you want but eventually you will need to talk about what has happened."Dad starts to explain.

"Now the other thing we need to discuss is Thomas. I have decided that no one else apart from who is already aware needs to be aware of him or your special new talents, as we know this could cause more trouble for you then what its worth. Also I don't want to fill out the paperwork." Dad joked and it's the first time I have heard him joke.

Stiles just nodded to show he was understanding what was been said to him before he leant forward to collect one of the files before starting to fill out the paperwork required.

"Alright that's all the paperwork done, now can I go shoot something please?" Stiles joked after about 15 minutes of silence.

"Everything seems in order, so we can properly test your abilities we have set up a special range for you in back of the shooting range. It has a mixture of activities from stealth to long distance shots to hand to hand take downs, I want to test your full range so I know what we are working with." Dad explained showing us to the area that had been specially set up.

First we headed to the firing range where Stiles and the trainer ran through the different weapons and obstacle courses that had been laid out for him to complete while I waited with Dad behind the safety glass.

To say I was shocked with the skills he had just produced was an understatement, I knew he could fire a gun based on the footage we had saw while at the hospital but man, I am never getting on his bad side again

"Damn, don't mess with Stiles. I think he may even have a better shot than me now!" I heard from behind me and turned around to see Chris stood there with the Sheriff.

"I wanted to pop down to see him shoot for myself, that footage made me wonder how far his hunter skills had changed. You probably didn't realise that when I returned to Beacon Hills, Stiles approached me requesting me to train him on some skills as he knew you all wouldn't be around to protect him." Chris explained.

Wow, everyday I seem to be learning something new about Stiles, I noticed that Stiles had finished and was on his way over to us.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing here?" Stiles enquired noticing that Chris and his Dad had now arrived at the range.

"Well son, I work here!" The Sheriff joked at this son

"Well I wanted to see if I could be any help in regards to your retraining but from what I have just seen you can train me instead." Chris stated giving Stiles a tap on the back.

"Did I pass?" Stiles asked my Dad with a sense of hopefulness in his voice.

"Are you kidding, you passed with flying colours!" Dad stated surprised that Stiles had even asked after the performance he just demonstrated.

"Oh good!" Stiles said while expressing a deep breathe.

"Come on then Scotty let's go, we have places to go and a lot of people to see. If you are free later we are having a bonfire at the Safe Haven." He stated to the others before dragging me out of the room.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will arrive shortly!!!

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