Chapter 8

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Welcome to Chapter 8 - pre warning there are videos in this chapter, surprise lol! - enjoy!!

Before anyone could speak alarms suddenly started going off shouting 'CODE BLUE! TO ROOM 235!!', my mum quickly rushed out of the room grabbing the Sheriff and my Dad as she went, when suddenly Lydia grabbed my arm with a panicked look on her face.

"I feel like I need to scream, I need to scream!!" she shouted over the alarm while tears were streaking down her face.

I knew then what was happening, who Lydia wanted to scream for. "No Lydia! You will not scream for him, please please not for him." I broke down to the floor crying not caring what anyone thought.

I was quickly engulfed with loads of arms grabbing to hug me and calm me down but none of them were his. I didn't even notice that the alarm had stopped and that my mum and the Sheriff had returned until they were both kneeling in front of me.

"Scott, honey. It's okay, it going to be okay." Mum said, her voice so soft that it helped me to calm down.

"What happened? Lydia wanted to scream for him, is he okay?" I asked, my voice cracking from crying as my mum and dad guided me back to my seat..

"There has been a slight complication, he stopped breathing but they managed to get him back. They are going to run a few tests to see if they can work out what caused it. They will let us know if anything else happens." The Sheriff explained.

I nodded along with everyone else to show we understood what had happened. I excused myself from the room needing some fresh air before I heard anymore of what had happened. I noticed someone was following me but didn't stop to see who it was until I got outside, I looked to my left to see Derek stood there, he just stood looking at the sky not saying anything at all.

"Are you okay?" I ask him as I notice the worry and anxiety coming off him.

He shakes his head before speaking, "No I'm not, I know everyone doesn't think I like Stiles much but over these past few years I have started to see you and him as my annoying little brothers. So hearing what he has been through and know I couldn't have done anything to stop it makes me want to go all Peter on them." Derek said while not taking his eyes of the floor.

I knew that not long after I was first bit he told me we were brothers now and we had developed that bond but I didn't realise that this was the same for him and Stiles.

"I know, I am feeling the same but I know we have to be strong for Stiles, his dad and everyone else as we are Alphas and that is our job. We will get his thorough this and soon he will be back to the sarcastic annoying little brother we know and love." I said trying not to just reassure Derek but myself also.

He grabbed me into a quick hug before we walked back into the room ready to hear what happened after they had grabbed Teresa. As I sat back down my phone went off again, I looked down and saw it was a message from the number again, I read the message aloud for the room to hear.

We are tagged, property of W.I.C.K.E.D. You are going to help us with that too

This message confused me just as much as the previous messages had but noticed not everyone seemed to share the same confusion as me.

"This is what Thomas said to Teresa during Gally's interrogation of her when we were trying to locate where Minho was located. They have sensors on the door so we couldn't just walk in otherwise they would know we were there and game over." Frypan explained as if reading my thoughts.

"Ah, that explains why when we got to the location shown for where the chips were showing as, we only found the chips along with a few bits and bobs." My dad said while nodding his head.

"Now me and Brenda were tasked with saving the other 32 people that were been held hostage while Thomas, Gally and Newt went to get Minho. Jorge had left to go secure our transport out of there and to also pick up a straggler to help us, so the next thing we know is from when we found Thomas and Teresa on the rooftop." Frypan finished up.

I realised at this stage that the only people who knew what happened until Thomas and Newt rescued Minho. But there was something that felt like it was missing when they were explaining what had happened, there were certain people who were mentioned but were not sat here in the room with us.

"Where are Gally and Newt? I get that Gally didn't seem to like Stiles but from what you have said this seemed to have changed and you seem to throw this odd name of Newt in but haven't explained who he is to Stiles." I voice my question to the room as a whole.

"Gally is at the Safe Haven that was created by the combination of the FBI, Thomas and the Right Arm. He wanted to come but we need to leave someone there to update everyone on Thomas's progress and help get the new arrivals settled and debriefed by the FBI." Vince explained but never mentioned Newt.

"Newt is dead, he died in the Last City just after I was saved by him and Thomas. As to your question on who Newt was to Thomas and me a brother and friend, who Thomas would have done and did do anything he could of to save him." Minho said while wiping the tears flowing down his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." I said while making my way over to give Minho a hug.

Once I returned back to my seat, I looked to my dad who had been typing on him laptop while Frypan was explaining his part, he looked up and noticed me watching him.

"I knew we were getting close to the stage where we are not going to have anyone in the room who can update us until the rooftop so was just finding the relevant footage from when Minho was saved but as I said we don't have all the footage as the cameras were either hacked or the footage lost when the building collapsed." He explained as the first video loaded onto the screen he had brought with him.

"This is the some of the footage we managed to gather from the cameras, I managed to find this first of Stiles and Teresa" Dad explained while pressing play.

"From what we can gather before Stiles was sent into the maze he and Teresa reported directly to Janson." My dad explained probably sensing the confusion in the room.

"This next bit of the footage we managed to gather jumps around a bit so you see some of what happened with Minho here also."

I looked towards Minho shocked at what I had just seen from him, but he just shrugged his shoulders and said" In my defence I had been experimented on and can't remember some of this."

"That woman that Stiles had his gun pointed at before Newt pulled him away from been shot, who was that?" Derek enquired.

"That is Ava Paige, the leader of W.I.C.K.E.D. We don't know what happened with her, whether she was in the building or not when it was taken down." Frypan said with disgust in his voice.

"If that is the person that Stiles wanted to kill, why did he hesitate when he came face to face with her?" Chris asked.

The trouble I found with Chris's question was the only person who could answer this question was not currently here to answer us.

I noticed the room Minho, Newt and Stiles had gone into didn't seem to have another way out of it, "How did you escape from the room, they were breaking down the door and waiting with guns to take you out." I enquired.

Minho chucked and said" Well as you know Thomas always has a plan!"

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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