Chapter 26

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Welcome to Chapter 26 - thank you everyone for reading and voting on this story, thank you also for your patience while I reupload and edit my stories - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!

(mini time skip happening since last chapter)

Stiles POV

To say I was having a bad week is a under statement, lets review shall we. On Monday I learnt that Rat Man escaped during transport to his new maximum security prison but to top it off the next day he had somehow managed to break Ava out of custody also.

So of course this made everyone even more overprotective of me, more so then they already had been.

The only way I was managing to escape from the station and the constant feeling of eyes watching me was to visit Deaton, I had been visiting him for the past few months since I had been released from the hospital.

He had been trying to help me work out a way to successfully unmerge me and Thomas so we can both live the lives we want and deserve and to also help me contact Thomas.

My day gets worse as on the way to Deaton's the scanner had gone off to report that the newly opened Beacon Hills Bank was been robbed with several people been held hostage inside.

I honestly wasn't surprised, it was the first time in over ten years that a bank had been opened in Beacon Hills, they had used the same building as before so of course it was going to be robbed within a month of opening.

Wait, they used the same building, an idea suddenly hit me as I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Derek's number while driving on blue lights towards the bank.

"Sourwolf, I need your help please!" I shout at him as soon as he answers the phone.

"Would it kill you just once to call me Derek?" He sighed out in frustration.

"No time for that now, do you still have all the information that we collected on the Beacon Hills National Bank?" I ask knowing time was off the essence and keeping my fingers crossed he still had it.

"Yeah, I think I have it in a box in the spare room. Why?" He asks, his tone changing as though he was about to know what I was going to say.

"The Beacon Hills Bank is currently been robbed with people held hostage and I am hoping the information we have already may help us get inside and resolve this before anyone gets hurt." I explain as I round the corner near the current set up police mobile command unit.

"I will bring it over straightaway but Stiles there is something you need to know. Scott and Lydia are there currently with Minho and Gally." He states and I slam on my breaks.

"What? Get here as quick as you can" I state before slamming the phone down and getting out my jeep before tasking my vest and spare gun from the back.

As I get nearer to the door of the command center the door burst open to reveal a young Deputy or looks two shakes away from a breakdown.

"Are you in charge here, Deputy?" I enquire making my way to be in front of him

"Bradshaw and yes I am, I am sorry but who are you and how did you get in here? This is a restricted scene and I am going to have to ask you to leave." He says trying to big himself up but fails miserably.

"Well Deputy Bradshaw, I am SSA Stiles Stilinski, FBI and I will be taking command of this scene." I state pulling out my ID badge with a smirk on my face.

"Oh thank god, this is only my second month on the job, its all yours. So what's the plan?" He asked noticeably calming down knowing he was no longer in charge, as he shows me inside so I can see the footage of what is currently happening.

I study the footage in front of me and noticed there seemed to be four suspects and about six hostages, they all seem to have been kept in the same room. I could clearly see on the cameraScott, Lydia, Minho and Gally. I knew that since Thomas had gone away I hadn't spent as much time with them but I didn't know how to, these are Thomas's friends not mine.

"Sorry to bother you sir but a gentleman is at the barrier asking to speak with you and only you. He says he has the box you asked him to get" An officer states and I run out to meet Sourwolf.

To say the other officers were confused as to why I had so much information to hand on how to break into this particular bank was an understatement.

I quickly lied to them advising it was for a school project and I always kept hold of it just in case I ever needed it due to the profession I am in.

I decided to use a similar plan to what we had used all those years ago apart from the minor detail change that Scott would not be accompanying Derek but I would be instead.

The other change was that Derek would make the hole and then wait as cover to help extract everyone out as I entered the bank alone. I informed the Deputy of the minor details of the plan and had him co-ordinating the outside positions ready to breach on my command before heading to get geared up with rope and extra weapons from my Jeep.

Scott POV

It is just my luck, the day me and Lydia decidd to not keep an eye on Stiles but to help Minho and Gally open up a bank account, is the day some nut jobs decided to rob the newly opened bank.

There are six of us together in total me, Lydia, Minho, Gally, the bank teller and the bank manager. We have been all placed into a tiny room with no windows and only one way in or out. It was the quietest day of the week so had the least amount of people in so most amount of money inside.

If I listen really closely I can hear several sirens outside which was followed by the well known sound of Stiles's jeep but this didn't help calm my nerves, I had hoped he would stay away and allow everyone else to deal with it and catch up with us at the station but then I remembered this was Stiles I was thinking about.

We have only just got him back from almost losing him again and no matter how much he said he was fine we all knew he weren't. Since his last hospital visit he has stopped making his sarcastic comments, he is very withdrawn from everyone, he is snappy and just not the Stiles we know and love.

Mum had said that they were unaware of what effect it would have on him losing Thomas after all these years. He was the consistent factor that kept Stiles going, kept him sane and protected him during everything and now he is gone and Stiles needs to readjust to protecting himself while protecting others.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a distance bang coming from one of the vaults on the floor above us, I noticed I am the only one who had heard it from the group.

I quickly shush everyone and we all listen to the well placed movements taking place on the floor above us that seem to be heading directly towards where we are been held.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

Teen Wolf/Maze Runner Crossover Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें