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"Come in," you say calmly.

"Y/n can I talk to you?" You recognized the voice. "Why should I Noya?" You say in a snotty way.

"Y/n I'm sorry, what I did and was doing was wrong." You knew deep down he didn't, "Cool, now leave." You say strictly. As he leaves you thought about your love for Noya still, but then you remember Kenma.

Kenma, a sweet boy that never looks up, actually loves you. You realize that Noya only wants you because of your brother, since he had so many followers. He thought dating me would make him famous.

It didn't.

You realize that you love both of them, but you know that Noya isn't a good option. Enough thinking about who the better option is. I love Kenma and Noya.

You submit your essay and decide to go downstairs. You wonder if Kuroo is here, it is 6 pm. Dinner time.

"Hey sis, uh wanna hang out with me today. Get your mind off things?" Your brother asks.

"Sure, I'll get dressed. Also I'm driving!" You say happily. You run upstairs and put on a cute outfit.

(This is the outfit^)

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(This is the outfit^)

You run downstairs, "Bitch I'm ready!" You yell at him, you get your bag and get out your keys. You and him get in the car, and you start driving to the mall.

"This wasn't what I was planning," he said. "Well I was the one who drove us, so I pick. And I want to go shopping, you know a break up, glow up," you laugh. He rolls his eyes at you.

You decide to go to Hot Topic first, you favorite store.

You walk in and go straight to the skirts. "No."

"What the fuck, you don't control me!" You fire back at him. "Also I'm inviting Kenma."

"Ooooo ok"

"Shut up" You roll my eyes

You: Heyy KenKen!
KenKen 👾: hi y/n
You:come to hot topic Kuroo is being mean! Please?
KenKen👾: ok I'll be there in 2, see u
You:ok see u soon!

"So is he coming?"

"Yes!" You go back to looking at the skirts and fall in love with this one:

"Yes!" You go back to looking at the skirts and fall in love with this one:

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This one stood out to you with the pockets and the belt.

"I'm definitely getting this," You look over to Kuroo.


You see Kenma walk into the store, "Kenma! Hi"

"Hi y/n hi Kuroo!" He actually seems excited.

"Kuroo is being mean about what I can get," you cross your arms and pout.

"Am not"
"Is too"
"Am not"
"Is too"
"Am not"
"Is too"

This went on for about 5 minutes until Kuroo tricked you.

"I hate you."
"Love you too y/n"

Magical Timeskip brought to you by Y/n and Kuroo fighting 🪃

You guys just checked out and you had got a lot of new clothessss.

You run to your car and get in, "get in losers!" Kenma and Kuroo come walking over. Kenma sits in the back and Kuroo sits in the front.

"So are we gonna talk about this morning or?" Kuroo breaks the ice.

"Uh I- no," you stutter.

You keep thinking about how you kinda still wanna forgive Noya, but Kenma is so cute.
You think about what happened earlier and you think he really has changed. Maybe not.

(A/n: random but I'm switching to first person so y/n is the one taking not me!)

"Let's get boba," I say randomly.

"Yesss," Kuroo says excitedly.
Kenma nods.

A few minutes later and we arrive at Boba (the shops name is boba 😃✋idk)

"Hello, uh can I have a strawberry boba with extra strawberries. Kuroo order, Kenma what do you want?"


"And he will have the blueberry boba." I pay and then go to sit in the corner.

"Y/n why did you order for me?"

"Because I know you have social anxiety, I saw you getting a little anxious too." I flash a smile at him.

"I have a strawberry boba, blueberry boba, and black tea!" The worker yells.

I walk over and get our boba and go back to our table.

"Here you guys go!" I say while giving each of them there boba.

I see Kenma give me a smile, and Kuroo with a smirk.

Me: stop.
Dumbass🙄: come on I know you like him
Me: yes and no
Dumbass🙄: huh 😃✋
Me:I'm still not over Nishinoya, but Kenma is chill
Dumbass🙄: whatever now talk you seem sus

I was texting my brother from under the table, "so uh Kuroo you like anyone?" I break the ice



Thank you for 220 reads!!! Love y'all and sorry for the random switch to 1st person. 2nd/ 3rd person was weird. Also tell me if I should keep writing. Also yk 😼you could😼 uh vote this up😼😼😼 jk 😼unless😼

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