"I'll sing you a song so you can sleep. Don't be afraid. We won't let you be touched by anyone." I said "Why are you scared bambino? I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. I'll protect you. Do you want to be brave? I'll show you the way."

"Dylan, you're brave. When you take risks you dare to risk it all." Will said "Let's be brave. Sometimes momma gets scared during storms. Can we be brave so momma doesn't get scared?"

>Play Lullaby For A Stormy Night Here<

"See. There's nothing to be afraid of." I said

I kissed Dylan's head. Then, I kissed Michael and Bianca's head. Both were in Will's arms. We all cuddled together warmer together. Dylan's hand would tighten around me when lightning stuck and thunder boomed.

I kissed Will who I had just noticed was pouting. The kids giggled and we kissed again. They didn't like it when we kissed and sometimes said no moving us apart.

"Do you want to hear another song?" Will asked

They nodded and I smiled at their enthusiasm. It was infectious. Will started to sing. I sang a little too hoping to calm them down and keep them from crying. We sang Lullaby By Ronan Keating.

>Play Lullaby By Ronan Keating<

Their eyes slowly closed and we looked at each other. We tucked them in putting our arms over them. We held hands falling asleep safe with each other.

>Next Day<

I got up earlier than usual and Will was reading something. He was usually up early for work or he was up with the kids. I gestured for him to come with me and he got up. We didn't disturb the kids.

"I wanted a little us time." I said

"By all means continue." Will said

We connected our lips grasping each other trying to keep it down. I talked dirty in Italian and Will responded in English. Italian is the language of music so he could understand it.

He couldn't speak it very well though and when I spoke quickly he couldn't understand it.

We laughed lightly kissing each other again and again. It was a full make out session. I stopped and listened. I could hear someone crying. I shushed Will and got off of him rushing upstairs.

What if something had happened? I shouldn't have left the dagger in the drawer. I knew one of them would find it. What if one of them had gotten hurt by touching it?

"What's wrong?" Will asked

"Sweetheart, we're right here. You don't need to cry anymore." I said

"You didn't leave?" Michael asked

"We would never leave. We're downstairs. If we left we would wake you up and take you with us or have someone we trust here with all of you." I said

"I would never leave any of you. I know you think you are big, but you are still growing. I will protect you while you grow. Even if you stop needing protection." Will said

I kissed Michael's head and brought him downstairs quietly setting him on our couch. I let him play on the iPad. He had these educational games set up for him so he can learn and still have fun.

Will started breakfast and I breathed it all in. Will brought out some peppermint hot chocolate and we drank some together.

"Can I tell story?" Michael asked

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