"I don't know guys we found her out there and then she just collapsed," Zayn lays the girl on a hospital bed.

"We'll revise her," The blonde boy doctor says.

"Zayn, the boss wants to talk to you," Colson stands in the doorway of the infirmary.

"You went and told on me?" Zayn asks.

"Of course not, the rumors going around the residents reached her," Colson says.

"Should've known. Rumors spread quickly in this place," Zayn stands up.

"Dinah, Liam, and I will look after her while your gone," Colson says and steps in.

The other two scavenge group members step in while Zayn steps out. The three group members pull up a chair and sit down as they watch the two doctors doing their work.

Once they are done, the tall blonde boy walks over to them. "She has low blood sugar and she's dehydrated which caused her to pass out, she is perfectly fine but I will recommend for one of you guys to go to the cafeteria and get a plate of food and water for her," He says.

"I'll go," Liam stands up and opens the infirmary door then closes it behind him.

"Do you guys know who she is?" The short blonde girl asks.

"No we don't, but she looked very confused and terrified when she saw the undead," Colson says.

"Did you see where she came from?" The girl doctor asks.

"She's wearing a hospital gown so I'm guessing from the hospital we were nearby," Colson answers.

"That's weird, when everything broke out all hospital patients were gunned down," The girl doctor furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"We need you guys to go into that hospital and get her records, we need to know what happened to her," The male doctor says.

"We have to talk to the boss about that," Dinah says.

They hear a gasp behind them and everyone turns around to look at the brunette.

Camila looks around confusingly and scared as she takes in the faces in the room. "Who are you guys?" She asks.

"The people who saved you," Colson says.

Dinah elbows the boy hard on the side and stands up. She stands next to the girl's bed and speaks soothingly, "I'm Dinah and that boy with the eye patch is Colson."

"I'm Doctor Niall Horan," The blonde boy says.

"And I am Doctor Ally Brooke," The short blonde girl says.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Camila asks.

"You passed out due to low blood sugar and dehydration. You got here because these fine troops brought you here," Doctor Horan explains.

The infirmary door opens and a boy with a scar on his left eye enters with a plate of food and a glass of water. "Oh your awake, perfect, I brought you some food and water," The British boy says.

Camila takes the plate of food and the glass of water and immediately starts to dig in.

"I'm Liam in case you are wondering," The British boy says.

"Can you tell us what your name is?" Doctor Horan asks.

"Camila Cabello," Camila answers.

"Can you tell us what happened to you?" Doctor Brooke asks.

"I-i-i don't know what happened to me but when I woke up in the hospital I read my records and it said that I was in a coma due to bleeding out from a head injury," Camila explains.

"How long have you been in a coma?" Doctor Horan asks.

"I don't know," Camila shakes her head.

The infirmary door opens again and two people step in.

Camila looks up from her plate of food to see the other British boy and a girl she doesn't recognize.

"This is her, boss," The British boy says.

The boss eyes Camila and walks over to her, as her military boots make the wooden floor squeak under her. "Your the one my second in command brought," The boss speaks, her voice blank.

"Uh, yes..." Camila cowards under her intense gaze.

"What did you figure out about her?" The boss asks the two doctors.

"She told us she was in a coma but she doesn't know how long," Doctor Horan answers.

"Figure out and when your done revising her send her up to my office," The boss walks over to the infirmary door.

"Where am I?" Camila asks.

The boss lets go of the doorknob and turns around to face the girl again. "We are in the Empire..."

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