Chapter 36 - "The Only One For Me"

Start from the beginning

"Shiina, you're our number one," Tsumugi promised, shaking my arm.

"We've already given you our hearts," Kiharu continued. "Rin's only temporary. A cute face! Besides, how can you expect us to turn him down when he personally ringed us up? He said he needed us!"

I sighed.

I needed my best friends too.

"Fine," I said, flippantly. "Have fun."

They brightened like Christmas lights.

Squealing, they intertwined fingers.

"Should we call him back right now?" Kiharu demanded.

Tsumugi nodded vigorously. "Let's find somewhere secretive so nobody overhears us."

With much needed squeaks, they vowed to catch up with me and went speeding down the hall and out of sight. Pursing my mouth, I expelled another loud breath.

They made it so difficult to tell them everything that'd transpired recently. It wasn't their fault. Mainly mine since I never outright told them. Nonetheless, they were always so up in my face about my love life—had been since I met them. Where were those sides of them when I so desperately required it?

Shoulders slumped, I dragged my feet through the hall.

I could've asked if I could tag along, and sure I did want to yell at Rin-Rin until his ears fell off, but truthfully, I didn't want to see him. What happened with Banri over the weekend was a whole issue in and of itself, too.

If Upperclassman Miyake didn't show up, we would've. . .

Face flaming, I rapidly shook my head. Forget that! Was I seriously going to let Banri kiss me? Why? Did I. . . like him?

Argh. I didn't know! How was I supposed to know?

"Nnn. Is the kitty cat having a midlife crisis? Maybe the remarkable Leon can prove to be of assistance!"

A yelp spilled out of me. Hugging my arms to myself, I framed my gaze onto the blue-haired boy to the right of me.

Leon Hirawa smiled mischievously, arms extended.

That was enough for me to pivot on my foot and sprint.

He grabbed my blazer to stop me.

"Why are you running?"

"I have somewhere to be. Please let me be there at that place I have to be."

Leon tugged me backwards with all his might. I found myself wedged between him and the neighbouring staircase. His magic devices and tools were laid out on the floor, alongside his crystal ball that'd brought misfortune into my life a short while ago.

"Abracadabra!" he pronounced with a silly beam.

"Let me leave," I pleaded.

Leon curled his fingers around me tighter. "I know you had a bad experience with me before but this time I'll make up for it, promise. I've been practicing a ton since then. This time I can perform a card trick and guess the correct card once every forty times!"

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