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There was a girl named Michelle Sydney Tyler. She was an only child, born to an alcoholic/drug/sex addict mother, Marcia and her husband Benjamin.  Michelle tried hard to please her mother, but her mother was always abusive to her, talked bad to her, and she felt unloved.  Her father she adored, but one day, when she was 5 years old, her mother was on a bender, and her father told her he was going to the store to get some groceries.  He never returned, and that was the last time she saw him.  She kept looking out the window, worrying, and each time she heard a car drive by, she ran to look, but it was not him.  She went to her room, laid down on her bed, and cried herself to sleep.  

Her mother finally came home the next day.  She told her mother what happened, and her mother said you finally did it, you are such a brat, you ran your father off.  Michelle kept saying she was sorry, but her mom spanked her, and sent her to her room.  Her mom was always going from man to man, and stayed out all night.  Michelle hid in her room, whenever her mom was home.  She hated school, as all the kids, even in grade school, knew about Michelle's mom being a drunk and about her dad leaving town.  All of her classmates parents would gossip about it, and didn't want Michelle around their kids.  So Michelle didn't really have any friends.  She wasn't physically picked on, just verbally, with kids calling her ugly, and her mom names. She kept to herself at school, and walked to and from school. At recess she stayed in the classroom, and at lunch she ate by herself.

 At recess she stayed in the classroom, and at lunch she ate by herself

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When she was a sophomore there was a new kid at school.  He was a very cute, handsome boy.  She was trying to hurry out of the school, when she ran smack into him, and dropped all of her books.  He knelt down and picked them up. and said I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.  I am new and trying to find my classes.  She said oh. He said I'm Tom Hanson. She said I'm Michelle Tyler.  He said nice to meet you. He said could you help me find my classes.  She said sure, but are you sure you want me to. I am the least popular person in this school. I am sure you would not want to be seen with me.  He said that is nonsense.  I don't know where my classes are, and you go here, so please show me. He smiled at her, and that sent butterflies thru her stomach.  She had never seen such a gorgeous handsome boy, and he actually talked to her, and smiled at her.  She was in heaven. But she knew it wouldn't last.  She showed him around the school.  He thanked her, and said I hope I have you in some classes. She really thought she was dreaming.

It didn't last.  Her main nemesis since kindergarten, was one Anna Carpenter.  Anna had always been the leader of the group, that picked on Michelle. Anna's father Bob was Michelle's father's boss, so she knew all the details. If it wouldn't have been for Anna, she thought maybe the other kids would have not been as mean.  Anna always had to be the boss, always had to tell the other's what to do, how to act, what to say. She dictated everything, and they did what she said, because she was the most popular, and her parent's were rich, and lived in a mansion.  Kids who were her friends got to hang in her house, swim in her pool, go on expensive vacations, and everyone wanted to be her friend. She was popular, blonde, beautiful. got everything she wanted, spoiled, teachers made over her, kids emulated her. 

What Michelle was worried about, the next day her nightmare came true. Tom did have Michelle in English class. He had come up to her and said hi Michelle. Michelle was shocked and so happy he spoke to her in front of everyone. But then Anna came up and hit on Tom.  Introduced herself, let her breasts be exposed, and he definitely took notice of the beautiful blonde. Anna asked him if he wanted to sit by her and then sit with her at lunch, and he said he would love to. Michelle was heartbroken, as Tom just walked off with her, arm in arm.  

Tom ended up asking Anna to be his girlfriend, which devastated Michelle. But Tom had heard some kids bullying Michelle, making her cry, and had yelled at them to stop, said that bullying was wrong. All the kids liked him, cause Tom was cool, and had the head cheerleader, most popular and richest girlfriend, so they stopped.  Anna hated it that Tom had defended Michelle, but she didn't want to turn him against her, so she never bullied Michelle when Tom was around.  Anna knew Michelle loved Tom, so she stepped up the bullying telling her all about how she was having sex with Tom. How Tom would never want an ugly pathetic girl like Michelle.

Tom's dad was a police officer. Well respected in the community.  At the Valentines Day dance Tom had his dad drop Anna and him off at the dance. Anna was horrified, but Tom wanted his dad to do it. Tom was proud of his dad, and he knew that his dad was proud of him, and wanted to be a part of the big dance. So Anna really had no choice.  Anna did not like Tom's parents, thought they were beneath her, but she tried to not show it. When the dance ended, and Tom's dad was not out front, he was worried. He knew something had to be wrong, that his dad would not be late, and would send word if he was going to be late. She tried to get Tom to leave with some of the other couples. But Tom insisted no. They sat outside. Finally his dad's patrol car pulled up, but Tom's blood rushed to his face, and he felt sick, when he saw that it was not his dad driving it, but his dad's Captain, and 2 other officers. They told him that Tom's dad was shot, and was rushed to the hospital, but he didn't make it. That Tom's mom wanted him home.

Anna was put off by it all, she had a big trip coming with her parents for the winter break, to Paris. She went ahead and went. Michelle felt horrible, was heartbroken for Tom. She walked over to his house, to leave a note and some flowers. Tom's mom stopped her, and had her wait, and went and got Tom. Tom came down and thanked her. She said she didn't want to be in the way, just wanted to leave him the flowers, and this card and letter.  She was a big support to Tom, he wanted her to go to the funeral, and he took her to eat, so they could just talk. She tried to help him, by sending him poems about heaven, and loved one's who have gone, but are never forgotten.  Tom had told her that she was a great support to him, and thanked her. Then Anna came back.  Anna had heard from her friends, how Michelle had spent time with Tom. So she decided she would teach Michelle a lesson.