Chapter 15

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Four is in trouble! Crap! He is all alone there with Marcus who has everyone killed! I know Four has betrayed us to a certain degree but I don't want to lose a teammate. All for one and one for all isn't that what everyone says?

We all rush to the weapons lab where Max is giving out orders to almost every single member of the FBI.

"Okay Tori will take a squad and handle the front while Amar will take the rest of the FBI and surround the sides, back and give uscover fire if necessary," Max explains.

"You cannot just expect us to sit around, what are we doing? Four is our friend if you overlook the betrayal and stuff," Zeke says.

"Actually you guys will be the ones going in to get him but through a side enterance," Max says.

"Eh?" Uriah says.

"You guys will be fine," Max says reassuringly.

"Right because we were so fine the last time," Marlene says sarcastically.

"Move out!" says Max.

-------------time lapse to outside the S.C.A.R building---------------------------------------

We all stand outside of the building. Night has fallen and the cool breeze surrounding us is making the hairs on my arms stand up. I breathe out and condensation fills the air in front of me. The gang is huddled in a group including Will and Al. They have a bunch of techy stuff that I can't even pronounce with them to bypass security and all that stuff. The rest of us have simple hand guns. The hand guns are equipted with Icer Bullets. They don't cause death but just freeze the person unconcious so that we will have time to escape. As an undercover team we have to make sure that our position isn't compromised but we still can defend ourselves.

My hand reaches to my belt where I have 3 magazine cartriges worth of Icers and one magazine of actual bullets. Strapped to the small of my back is my knife. I always carry one with me just incase I have nothing left. Sometimes its better to go with the classics with weaponary. They are the most reliable. Plus it makes me feel slightly more confident.

Max's voice enter our ear pieces, "Undercover you are a go, remember Icers only,"

We are positioned at the side door, behind us is just field accompanied by the eerie shadows of the night.

"Okay Four's tracker has been activated once we go through this door go to the end of the corridor make a right then a left and his should be well the fourth door on the left," Al says.

We all stare at the door.

"I got it, I have some lock picking equipment somewhere on my belt....or maybe is it in my bag?" Will says.

Shauna rolls her eyes, Uriah shakes his head and Lynn facepalms herself.


"Nope I got it," Zeke says proudly after kicking down the door James Bond style.

Once we are inside we get into formation. Will and Al are in the middle of the group because well they don't have weapons other than their hand to hand combat. Zeke takes point with Shauna behind him followed by Marlene, Me, Will, Al, Lynn and Uriah at the back.

We shuffle quietly with our guns at the ready holding our positions. We manage to head down the maze of corridors without running into someone. That is very, very, very odd. We all exchange suspicious looks with each other.


I walk to the fourth door and called for Zeke.

"Zeke this is his door," I say.

Zeke comes and kicks the door down and I rush inside.

The scene before me is horrific. There is blood smeared across the grey walls of the cell that drips down to meet the floor. There was a very scary trail of blood that lead from the wall to a broken body on the bed.

"Oh my god Four!" I exclaim.

I rush to his side. He is lying on his stomach, breathing slowly and his eyes are closed. I put my weapon in my holster and kneel at his side.

"Four," I whisper. The tears are threatening to spill. I slowly reach my hand out to him and stroke his back. He groans in response, at least he is alive. The slashes on his back are red and his skin feels hot.

Zeke and Uriah come in and together the hoist Four up and carry him out.

"Tris you take point," Uriah says.

"On it," I say.

I lead the pack back to where we came from. We still haven't encountered any guards still. I was about to lead the group out the door when I heard a gun click a bullet into place and we all freeze.

"Beatrice, lovely to see you once again. I see you've found Four. I'll let you in on a little secret, those slashes he got was from defending you," Marcus says. He holds his gun out with his body guards standing behind him wearing those knuckle busters.

He takes a few steps towards us and I usher my hands behind my back to tell the guys to walk out the door. I hear feet shuffling and I know they trust me enough to let me stay here.

"What did you do to him?" I ask.

"Just questioned him with the help of a belt, that's all," Marcus says.

"I don't understand, why would you do that to him? He's your son," I yell at him.

"He's my son alright but he is in love with you and I can't have that. It makes him weak. He gets punished for every weakness I see in him, and you are something that has to go" Marcus says.

A gunshot is fired but it doesn't hit me, it hits someone else. Someone that goes crashing to the ground. I whip my gun out and fire at Marcus's leg, he crumples to the ground and screams in pain. I run over and kick his gun far out of his reach. Shauna and Marlene rush over and handcuff him despite is agonising screams.

I turn around to see who got hit with the bullet and I find myself staring at the bleeding body of Tobias Eaton. Four.

I rush over to him feeling nervous and nauseated as to what I will find. I get down next to him and gently inspect his wound by rolling him over to his side.

The puncture is where is thigh is. Thank god he aimed low, probably in an attempt to do what I did. I stroke his face gently tracing every line he has.

Amar comes rushing in with Tori and and carries Four outside. Tori stays and comforts me, leading me back to her car.

------------------------------time lapse: back at the FBI------------------------------------
I'm currently sitting on my couch in my apartment worried about Four and if he is going to be okay. The doctor said he will live but he will be in a lot of pain due to how many slashes he took on.

He did it to protect me. He really did follow through with his promise.

Shauna comes barging through the door, tears streaked I'm her face and instantly I know something is wrong.

I stand up with tears in my eyes and wait for the news.

"I'm sorry Tris, his heart's slowing down. Doctor says that it will be stopping I'm a few minutes and that we should say goodbyes," she says her voice cracking.

I run out the door and head to the FBI hospital/infirmary that we have. I barge into the room where Tori, Amar, Max and the team are crowding around Four's bed.

I reach his bed when I hear the long constant beep of the heart monitor signalling that his heart had stopped.


Ta da

You probs all hate me at the moment!

Thanks so much for 2k reads! It happened over night!

Keep smiling (if you can after this chapter)


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