Chapter 5: The badge and the burden.

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(Y/N): Your name

(M/N): Mothers name

(F/N): Fathers name

(H/C): Hair color

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/L): Hair Length

(R/N): Racing Name

(W/N): Weapon name

(D/C): Dream Car


Speaking over Scroll/Radio/sign

Location, Time, Date, POV switch



I was up early, as usual, and looked around the room to see my team mates all sleeping peacefully. Our dorm was set up right by RWBY and JNPR, and so I expected some kind of antics to wake them up eventually. Not truly caring I levitate my sketchbook over to me and look through the schematics. My armor was really good, and also a sacred piece of art, however I figured that adding something wouldn't hurt. 

I must have been so entranced in the designs that I didn't notice Carroll getting up and getting his bugle. 

"RISE AND SHINE LADIES" He yelled after playing Reveille on his bugle.

Angelo and Ravio groan as they get up.

"Good, you're up no-" Carroll was immediately cut off by Angelo choking him.

"YOU WOKE US UP, AT 5 o' clock!?" He yelled.

Carroll quickly pushed his assailant off of him. 

"Well would you prefer I let you sleep in?" Carroll asked

"YES, YES I WOULD." Angelo responds in a deranged frenzy.

"That would be nice." Ravio adds.

"I always get up this early so it's no change of pace." I respond

"Well enough dilly dallying, we have to unpack our stuff." Carroll says gesturing towards the bags.

As he ordered we all get to it, unpacking our things. We were all pretty spartan about the décor, we wouldn't be spending much time here anyway. The only thing we put up was a poster of a Lamborghini in the corner. Books were neatly placed on the bookcase and a pile of tools was in Carroll's corner.

Looking at the clock it was 7:52, almost an hour before classes start.

"Well, good work, in record time we got this place in tip top shape." Carroll says.

"What do we do now?" Ravio asks

"Well, we wait for classes." He responds looking down to his schedule.

"For an hour." I add.

"We can explore the rest of the school." Ravio suggests.

We all nod in agreement and we all go out and complete the map that Ravio was working on the first day around and completed it around 8:30, with nothing left to do we head to our first class, Grimm Studies.

*Timeskip brought to you by RWBY and JNPR rushing to Port's class*

Professor Port was an, interesting man to say the least. Though I don't think he's a bad person either, or incompetent.

 "Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!" He says.

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