Chapter 1: Hanging up my Goodyears

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(Y/N): Your name

(M/N): Mothers name

(F/N): Fathers name

(H/C): Hair color

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/L): Hair Length

(R/N): Racing Name

(W/N): Weapon name

(D/C): Dream Car


Speaking over Scroll/Radio

Location, Time, Date, POV switch



It was just a day after my big win, and I couldn't be happier this was now my 4th Mistral Cup. I started getting ready for Sanctum but then I looked at the calendar and saw it was Saturday and immediately dropped everything and called up the boys.

"Y/N it's 8am, this better be important." Carroll growled

"Yeah, if this is for nothing I'm going back to bed." Ravio said

"You guys want to meet up at the Garage today?" I asked them

"Yeah, was that what this was all about?" Carroll asked.

"Yeah, that was it, meet at the Garage around 12?" I said

"Alright sounds good to me." Ravio said.

We all logged off of the call and I looked at the clock.

"I've got 4 hours" I said to myself.

I walked down into the kitchen and got myself a hearty breakfast of a protein bar and a glass of water.

"You're awake finally." Pyrrha said to me.

"I had, a tiring night." I replied

"Did you see the race last night?" She asked

"Yeah I did, me and the boys all did." I replied laughing a bit to myself.

"So, what are you doing this today?" She asks

"Me, I'm just gonna go back to the garage with the boys, speaking of that, have you applied yet?" I ask

She gets a shocked look on her face and runs off.

"I'll take that as a no." I say as I finish my protein bar.

I get up and go to my PC and join up in a game of Group Fortification 2.

*Timeskip brought to you by panzer elite.*

4 hours had passed and soon enough I was at the garage with Carroll and Ravio. We played video games and hung out for a bit, but after a while I left the room part and went into the garage part and looked up at the 4 shiny Mistral cups I had earned over the past 4 years. I then shift my gaze to the newspapers, their headlines reading "Mysterious Rookie, R/N, snags the Mistral Cup!", "R/N Does it again, two time Mistral Cup winner!", "R/N Champion for all time, third Mistral Cup win." I smiled looking at them all, but also a tinge of regret.

Am I really ready to give this all up?

The other two burst through the door.

"You okay there mate?" Ravio asked while pulling out yet another Monster from the fridge to fuel his unhealthy addiction.

"Yeah it's just, well, we've almost graduated Sanctum, what are you guys gonna do after this?" I ask with a tinge of sadness.

We all pause and stay in an extremely uncomfortable silence.

"I don't know, I just figured we'd keep on racing?" Carroll said.

"Yeah, but we didn't go to Sanctum to become race car drivers did we?" I ask

"No, we went to be huntsmen." Ravio replies defeated.

"I was thinking we would just stay in Mistral and go to Haven." Carroll replied.

"Well, I was thinking, of going to Beacon." I replied.

The two looked at me with slight disbelief.

"I mean, you would get in no doubt, but do you really want to?" Ravio asked.

"Yeah, if you dedicate to this, you'd be giving up racing!" Carroll added.

"Are, Are you really hanging up your goodyears for good?" Ravio asks somewhat shocked.

"Well, yes, I think I am hanging up my Goodyears." I reply weakly with a frown.

Another bout of uncomfortable silence later, Carroll broke it again.

"Look, I respect your decision, but I want you to think long and hard about this, I don't want my friend doing something foolish, but I digress, it's getting late, I've gotta go." He said before leaving the garage.

Ravio followed quickly and soon I was left alone with that weak lightbulb. I picked up the scroll and dialed up my benefactor, he left me on voicemail as usual.

"Hey, I don't know your name, or your companies name, but I just came in to say that I won't be participating next season. You've been nothing but good to me the past few years, but as you said, business comes first. As much as I love racing, It's come to my attention that Racing is no longer on the top of my priorities. I may return, but it will be a while. Thank you so much for everything you've done, and my only request is to please don't leak anything to the press, I know you know my name, and I don't want it getting out. Thank you, and goodbye." I say before hanging up.

*Big Timeskip brought to you by Y/N washing the 51 number off his car alone*

It had been weeks now, and I had graduated from Sanctum. I submitted my application, and so did Pyrrha. We got our papers back and we were accepted, but there wasn't really any doubt. I was best in the class, if you didn't count my sister, but hey second has to count for something, or that's what Uncle Rex always said. Right now I was lazing around, and I had just fallen asleep on Pyrrha's shoulder when I heard the door knocking.

"Should I get that?" Pyrrha asked as I was getting up.

"No, I'll get it, and you should also leave, things might get messy." I say knowing exactly who's at the door.

I walk up to the door and open it and is met with Carroll and Ravio

"Hey, what do you guys want" I ask.

"Well we've been talking, and we've made a decision" Carroll said

"And that decision is." I say unamused

"You are not going to Beac-" I cut Carroll off.

"Look, I'm going to Beacon, and that is final, you can't convince me otherwise." I say to them angrily.

"You didn't let me finish, you're not going to Beacon, without us." Carroll says before he and Ravio pull out 2 papers saying they were accepted.

I put W/N away and give the two knuckleheads a hug.

Pyrrha POV

"Smokey you magnificent bastard." I hear Y/N say as I leave the room.

Smokey huh, where have I heard that name before?

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