Chapter 3: The Emerald Forest

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(Y/N): Your name

(M/N): Mothers name

(F/N): Fathers name

(H/C): Hair color

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/L): Hair Length

(R/N): Racing Name

(W/N): Weapon name

(D/C): Dream Car


Speaking over Scroll/Radio

Location, Time, Date, POV switch



The air was deathly still, and all of us had our weapons at the ready. Red eyes lit up the bushes, and we were prepared for a fight, but It was ending up more like a standoff.

"God fucking dammit, I've had it." Carroll says before opening fire on the bushes.

As he did we hear the screams from the Grimm, and they finally started attack us.

Looking into the army we quickly saw we may have bit off more than we can chew, a legion of ursai and another army of beowovles backing them up.

"We're just having the best luck today aren't we." I say to the others.

We all start running, every once a while we fire behind us to attempt to cover our retreat. After running through a small canyon we climb up a hill and catch our breath.

"Ravio, Y/N, come on let's go!" Carroll said putting up a tripod.

We knew what this meant, I pull out the ammo cannister and Ravio pulled out the water. Quickly we hook up the machine gun and hope for the best as the rumbling of the Grimm get closer and closer.

"Alright men, not a step back, they'll be coming through that opening!" Carroll shouts as he begins firing into the mass of Grimm.

I configured my Naginata to rifle and started firing out into the mass, Ravio used his sword to create a flame barrier between us and the Grimm, and Ravio was firing off his shotgun at any that got too close. It was all going well, until Carroll pulled the machine gun fire stopped, Carroll pulled the trigger again, but all we heard was a click.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Carroll says looking to see the guns jammed

"can you clear it?" I yell.

"Guys, we've got to get out of here!" Ravio says pointing to the remaining Grimm coming at us.

It was too late to run, all we could do was stay and fight, their numbers had thinned greatly since we started and so between the 4 of us we could take them.

Configuring my Naginata back to it's double bladed form I see two Ursa in front of me. One charged at me and I quickly rolled out of the way, as I did so the other one charged and I used my shoulder pads to take the damage. I slide under it and stab it's soft underbelly killing the creature. The other charges at me, and I jump on top of it and stab it's nape killing it also. 

I look over to see Ravio perfectly stab the a Beowulf through it's mouth with his sword, and Carroll beating a now de legged Beowulf to death with a wrench to death, and Angelo shoved his shotgun barrels into some poor Beowulf's mouth and pulling the trigger. Looking around we see that the remaining Grimm either died, or retreated. 

"Alright, let's find that relic." Angelo said before taking off. 

We all just sat down and caught our breath, quite honestly I'm surprised we survived. How bad did our luck have to be to encounter an army of Grimm on our first day? I think about what could have caused this, but I was ripped out of my thoughts as Angelo came back with two black king chess pieces in his hand.

"Are those the relics?" I ask.

"I guess they are," Angelo responds holding one out.

"Well, I guess that's that, let's head back before our luck get's any worse." I say before hearing some screaming coming from some direction, without hesitation we all head towards it.

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