
1.8K 13 33

(Y/N): Your name

(M/N): Mothers name

(F/N): Fathers name

(H/C): Hair color

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/L): Hair Length

(R/N): Racing Name

(W/N): Weapon name

(D/C): Dream Car


Speaking over Scroll/Radio

Location, Time, Date, POV switch


??? POV

It was a chilly night in Argus, but far from an uneventful one. Some people were inside their homes in front of their televisions, others were crowded out in the streets to watch the event live, and they should, It's the Mistral Grand Prix or more specifically the Argus 400, featuring racers from all over remnant, and it's the last race of the season. Me personally, I'm sitting in the back of a semi in my (D/C) getting ready for the race myself. I was focusing, until I heard the banging on the door

"Hey Y/N, are you ready?" My crew chief, Carroll, asked.

Putting on my helmet I open up the door.

Oh yeah, R/N's ready!

Slowly pulling out I'm bombarded by white flashes of cameras and screaming fans. Even though they were blinding me bad they probably had to have fought like hell through the crowds, so I press down the clutch and rev my engine for them. I don't think some of them were ready for that because the crowd immediately thinned. Laughing to myself I get to the pits and watch my car get ready for the race.

"I've been looking at the season points, you may not even have to win this one buddy." Ravio said cheerfully

I look at him with a tad of annoyance in my eyes, but he couldn't see it with my helmet and all. Just as we were discussing a new plan to stop the overheats they asked all of the racers to head to the lane.

Pyrrha POV

I was lying down on the couch, it had been a rough day training at Sanctum, and I was ready to relax. I turned on the TV and saw the Argus 400 was on, with nothing better to watch I sit there and see all the drivers lined up.

"And here we go, all of the racers are lined up except for one, but wait, there he is, number 51, the fabulous (R/N)." The announcer, Darrel Fencetrip, said with joy.

"Yup there he is, R/N, some say he's some kind of alien, and that he has a diet of only Ursa cheese, while we can't confirm those two we know that he's called R/N, and he's a beast on the racetrack." The other announcer, Bob Rapier, said.

"No kidding, he's one 4 years in a row including his rookie year, he's like the Pyrrha Nikos of the racetrack! Whoever his mystery sponsor is they must be happier than a tornado in a trailer park!" Fencetrip exclaimed.

Hearing my name made me think, and then it hit me.

"Hey, Mom, where's Y/N, he loves this stuff?" I asked.

"Oh Y/N, he told me he's with Carroll, they're probably still working on that old beat up D/C," She replied.

that made sense Y/N, Ravio, and Carroll had been working on it for years now, maybe he just watches it Carroll's place. I thought on that, but was pulled out of my thoughts by Darrel's signature catchphrase.

Pyrrha & Y/N: Superstar Saga Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now