Work Calls and Fear Does More

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"That ride was just a test when I first hired Julia from America. That ride she started to design never got finished, because I told her it was an assignment to test her strength and talent." She looked dumbfounded, and speechless.

"Oh, um. Mr. Kaiba, I am so sorry. I didn't realize." I groaned. This was wasting my time.

"I'm guessing you didn't get the email I sent you?" I spoke to her, I wasn't happy and she knew it. 

"N-no I did not. My apologies. I haven't checked our emails recently since we've been so busy trying to figure out the space we're going to need, though I guess it doesn't matter anymore." She tried to get snippy with me at the end of her statement, but I didn't have time to be on this pointless Zoom anymore.

"Well, be a more responsible secretary and learn your place before speaking to me like that. Next time you get an attitude with me, you're fired." I hung up on her and I looked in my lap to see Preston scooping the last bit of his yogurt mix in his spoon. 

I put my hand around his side and went back into his lunch pack to pull out his juice. I opened his juice, got some more tissues, cleaned him up a bit and handed him his juice. 

"Daddy?" He said, looking up at me with some tears in his eyes as he sipped from his juice.

"Hmm?" My face softened when I saw his little face. Preston handed me his juice, so I put it on my desk and he stood up on my lap, placing his hands on my chest. 

"Is my momma okay?" He is so smart for being 2 years old. He might as well start school now, but besides that I swallowed. "I miss my momma." He cried out to me. I hugged him close to me, and some tears fell from my eyes. I rubbed my son's back and took a breath.

"She is okay, Preston. I miss her too." Preston cried more and more, and all I could do was hold him. 

She did so well raising him before I came in the picture. No random crying, super smart and can speak full sentences, now we just need to see how he does with toilet training.


I looked up and glared at who opened the door, which was Roland. He walked in anyway, so it must be important.

"Mr. Kaiba, I'm sorry to interrupt but there's someone from the hospital here. Regarding Miss Julia's recovery. Should I send him up?" I cleaned my face, cleaned Preston's and nodded at him.

"Go ahead, Roland. Thanks." I spoke with a following sigh. "Make it quick." 

Roland left my office and I took off my black blazer which was over my silver dress shirt, all of Preston's tears were on the blazer, and I planned on leaving it here if I go to the hospital.

"Preston." I looked at him and I made sure I had his attention. "If we leave my office tonight, it will be to see your mother." A smile appeared on his face and his tears cleared up. 

"Okay." I sat him down in my lap and my office door opened, revealing Roland and some older man in a doctor's uniform.

"Mr. Seto Kaiba?" I stared with soft eyes, not trying to make it obvious that I was worried for my wife. I am a strong man and I don't like seeming to appear weak. "We have an update on Miss Julia for you. We tried calling your office but I guess your systems are down." 

"Yes, they are down. I've been here trying to do my work and fixing that as well. But, what's the news on my fiancé?" Preston stood up on my lap and gave him a glare too, man he's turning into a Kaiba already.

"I miss my momma!" Preston stomped, not on my leg either. I grunted, damn it!

I shot my head up and crutched forward, Preston got off and I was stuck holding myself with the doctor and Roland standing right now. How embarrassing. My eyes were closed tight, trying to embrace the pain that my 2 year old son caused. 

I took a strong breath and looked up, seeing Roland holding him. 

"Are you okay, Mr. Kaiba?" The doctor asked me as I tried to stand up. 

"I will be, damn." I looked back at the doctor and he started to talk again.

"Julia is awake, but she won't be able to go home until tomorrow. You are welcomed to come by and visit if you want." A lot of relief hit me like a freight train. "She is suffering from something though, so please be prepared when you visit." He walked to me as Roland and Preston were giggling and laughing together. "But, I wouldn't bring Preston with you. The trauma made her afraid of nearly anything." 

That freight train crashed. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach. I wasn't there to protect her and she's going to fear me?

"Those punks!" I screamed, slamming my fists onto my desk. I grabbed my jacket and looked at Roland. "Watch him, if you need help contact Mokuba." I was in tears, running to my car. This was impossible, how could something like that cause her this pain? Hopefully it's only mild. I needed her, I needed to find out if this was true. 

Julia's POV

I looked out of the hospital window, afraid and scared. I didn't want to go back out there, I didn't want to leave this place, but will I ever be safe anywhere? I mean, Seto said he would protect me and he wasn't there. He was at work, but I don't know how to feel right now. My mind was clouded by fear and anxious feelings. I was so afraid to talk to anyone. I'm scarred. I have stitches on my face. I have bruises and scabs on my legs that will turn into scars when they get done healing. 

Will Seto not love me anymore after seeing me like this? How will my son react? Should I feel afraid of those too? I took a calming breath. It's not Seto's fault for not being there for me when I got kidnapped, even though he is a workaholic. I'm just so scared to even think of what he will say to me, if he shows up. Hopefully he still plans on marrying me, if not I might as well move back to America at this point with Preston. I am so bothered by this to be honest. 

"Move over! I need to see her!" I heard yelling and screaming coming from down the hall, hearing Seto's voice. Was he that worried about me? Next I know, he's standing in my room doorway. He stares at me, with tear stained cheeks. Seto cries this much over me? 

"Julia.." He closed the door behind him and sat in the chair that was by my bed. My chest ached, the lump appeared in my throat. My expression was full of shock, he seemed so calm, especially after he yelled at the other nurses and doctors. 

"S-Seto.." I whispered, with tears forming in my eyes this time. "I- I was so scared, Seto.." I told him quietly. He gently cupped my stitched up face and kissed me softly. 

"I'm so sorry for not being there.." I choked out. I placed my hands on his cheeks and cleaned the tears from his face, as he did the same. 

"Seto, are we still getting married?" I asked him, waiting for the worst. I looked like a monster. 

"Of course." We shared another kiss and I couldn't help but melt. I loved this man, and I felt safe though he wasn't with me that one day. I hope something changes when I get out of here tomorrow.


Thanks for reading y'all! Next book is coming! Read the author's note next chapter!

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