Chapter 5 ~ The Mystery Boy

Start from the beginning

He just took a random table and sat down without waiting for a waiter to escort him.

Stinky Stacy, yes that is what he called her now, made Keefe take care of him and then told him he would be done for the rest of the day.

Keefe made his way to the table where the kid sat, still covering his face.

"Yo, welcome to Buffalo Wings!" Keefe greeted, taking out his notepad.

The boy didn't respond so Keefe just awkwardly coughed and continued, "I'm Keefe and I will be serving you today."

"I know," the kid responded, with a really deep voice. Keefe was shocked the kid even spoke.

" know?" Keefe asked, confused how the kid knew his name.

"Yeah...your name tag."

"Oh," Keefe replied, feeling dumb. "Silly me! Um, so what can the Keefster get you to drink?"

No response.

"Um okay, water it is," Keefe exclaimed, dashing off to the kitchen.

"Stacy!" Keefe called, waving her over.

Stinky Stacy rolled her eyes and took her sweet time to come over. "What?!"

"Yo, there's something seriously wrong with these customers today. The one I have right now will barely even talk to me! He hasn't even looked up!"

Stinky Stacy shrugged. "Maybe they don't like you." She then stalked off.

Keefe just gave up and decided he should just hurry with this customer to just finish the job for today. Then he could meet up with Sophie faster.

Keefe rushed over and carefully placed the glass of water down, afraid the kid would smash it or something.

But the kid didn't touch it, he wasn't even moving. If he hadn't spoken before, Keefe would have assumed he was dead or something.

" have you decided what you want to eat?" Keefe tried.

The kid stood there for a few long seconds and then mumbled something under his breath that Keefe couldn't understand.

"I'm sorry— sir? Could you speak up?" Keefe asked, feeling nervous for some strange reason.

But the kid just sat there.

Keefe was about to leave when the kid slammed his hand hard on the table, making Keefe jump.

The boy then grabbed the knife that was sitting on the table and raised it up.

"Um— woah...let's put it down now," Keefe said, backing up.

Seriously, was today EVERYONE GO PSYCHO day?!

For one second, Keefe thought the kid was going to throw the knife at Keefe but then the kid just lowered it and stabbed it into the table.

Great, how was Keefe supposed to explain to Tony the damage on the table now?!

Keefe'll probably just come up with a random story that just involves some rat that came into the night and started to eat a hole through the table.

"Give. Me. Something. To. Eat," the kid hissed.

"Okay, okay!" Keefe exclaimed, dashing off into the kitchen.

"Chef! Can you throw together some chicken nuggets and fries for me?! If you can do it in like five minutes tops that would be GREAT!" Keefe exclaimed, eyeing the boy nervously from afar.

"Straight away Hunkyhair the Great!" The chef replied, immediately starting the order.

Yes, Keefe does require his colleagues to call him Hunkyhair the Great. Though, there's an exception for Stinky Stacy.

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