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I have to talk to him.  

I paced around my room, trying to figure out what I am going to say to Luke, all the way attempting to get dressed in time for work.

As I drove, I repeated in my head what I was going to say to him. It was essential that I explained what was going through my head- why exactly I pushed him away so much.

It was really a hard thing for me to do. It's not easy opening up about something that you yourself refuse to accept.

But, for Luke, I will.

Parking the car, I quickly stepped into the building, my heels clicking in the halls until the elevator. There, I glanced at a little mirror.

I fixed my appearance slightly nervously, turning, and checking everything was in place.

My eyes trailed up to my hair, tight in a ponytail. Before I could think twice about it, I pulled the hair tie out, tilting my head forward to shake it out of the shape and letting it fall onto my shoulders nicely.

Can't believe I'm doing something for a man.

But, we live and learn.

I headed straight to Luke's office, his absence sending me over to the next probably place- Ashton's.

And sure enough, there he was, talking to Ashton very animatedly. I smiled to myself in the satisfaction of being right.

Of course, I'm right.

"Hey Luke," I softly spoke, "Can I talk to you?"

He didn't look up, merely standing and walking around me. His eyes were still trained on his file, uninterested in my presence.


"Agent Fitzgerald." He exited the office and walked down the hall. I was taken aback by his tone, his disinterested voice.

That bruised my ego a little bit.

I turned back to Ashton, his eyes shifty and avoidant. He shuffled the files in front of him, glancing absolutely everywhere but me.

"Uh-ohkay," I turned on my heels, stuffing my hands in my pants pockets and beginning to walk out.

Ashton's voice stopped me.

"He's a little upset about these past few days," He explained hesitantly, "You know, with the ignoring."

I nodded slowly with an Ah falling from my mouth, feeling dejected in slight. Fair enough, I suppose.

It was my fault, to be fair. I figured I would just work a little and try to talk to him later. That would give him some time to think it through, essentially just giving him the space he needed.

Hopefully, that would work for Luke.

I left Ashton's office, traveling to my own, and sitting to work.


Night came sooner than I expected, though the day droned on for too long, my mind clouded with nothing but Luke.

I was hard-pressed to find a moment of relaxation in my mind- stress constantly putting me off the edge of my seat.

I decided to just head home.

On the way out, I checked Luke's office to see if he was there- for some hope to talk to him. His empty seat told me otherwise. Luke has already left the office, way earlier than me.

fbi- lrhTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang