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"I'm just saying," Ashton was bent over the counter of the coffee shop, twirling a piece of Hailey's hair as he smirked, "It would be so much more convenient for us."

Hailey blushed a tint of red at the suggestion. I rolled my eyes in slight disgust at the interaction, knowing what he was insinuating.

As if they ever spent a night apart from each other.


Not this coffee though. This coffee is absolutely delicious.

Work was really, really long today. The whole ordeal of finally getting a chance to work on my father's killer's case, mixed with the fact that I had to work with Luke, drained me completely.

It was not the fact that it was Luke, necessarily, but just that I had to work with anybody at all.

Especially on such a sensitive case. We had to assort our affairs particularly, trying to ensure that everything was in order for us to do well in this case.

There was absolutely no place for mistakes, no place for either of us to slip up and risk losing our leads on Patrick Mendoza. I almost did not want to share with Luke anything, though I knew I had no choice.

Chief Hood would not be too happy with me if I went solo on this case. No matter how badly I wanted to.

Everyone is a nuisance.

Regardless, here I am. Trying to support Ashton in convincing Hailey to move in.

Despite the fact that I do not think Hailey making in with Ashton would be a good idea. Nor did I even like Ashton.

"I don't know Ash," she murmured. Half of her body leaned over the counter to meet him, nearly off her balance. Her weight was on her hands, flicking her feet up in the air with a little giggle playing on her lips.

He pushed slightly with his words, the sing-song tone slowly trapping Hailey into actually considering moving in with him.

It was then we all became aware that there was actually a line. Behind Ashton was a few people, growing quickly impatient to get their orders of coffee in.

"Can you move?" One of the women behind him shined as he shot a glare.

He mumbled something about them having to wait for him to talk to his girlfriend, it being a priority.

The coffee shop was owned completely by Hailey, having worked from the bottom up after college. I was incredibly proud of her for that.

And all the business she brought in. Even if it was annoying in this instance. When one of the other customers voiced his complaint, it was then I decided to speak.

"Irwin," I cleared my throat, not really wishing to interact with the other agents outside of work, "I believe waiting for a little would serve her well. Just let her do her job."

Sitting down on a coffee table a ways away, I watched the scene unfold. Luke let out a small chuckle from next to me, and I regret letting him sit on the same table as me.

One of Hailey's baristas, Kate, smiled towards me. He winked at me in agreeance with my jab at Irwin. I smiled back at him, the man adjusting his white apron as he turned his attention to Ashton.

"I hate to be that barista," Kate spoke, writing on a cup as he continued, "But Ashton. Move."

The curly-headed boy grumbled from Kate's reprimand, pushing off the counter and coming to sit on the table with me and Luke. He yanked out a chair and sat down with attitude.

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