Start from the beginning

"What the fuck happened to you?" Said Chan, scaring him out of his skin.

"U-uh I, well I was-" He stuttered, struggling to make a full sentence.

"What's this? Jisung? Han Jisung? THE J.One? Stuttering?" said Changbin in disbelief.

"Did you go and fall in love while we were finishing songs?" asked the oldest.

"W-well, something like that" he whispered to himself but Changbin caught it.

"EXCUSE ME?" he said standing up "Who the hell did you meet?" he asked as he walked towards the boy.

"Well I was picking up all my shit off the floor because SOMEONE left me stranded there-" he began

"Hey you should thank us, you could've just met your soulmate." Interrupted Chan.

"Shut up, let him finish" Replied Changbin as he sat back down in his seat.

"So anyways, I was picking up my stuff when someone came up behind me and asked if I needed any help-"

"Oooh was she cute?" Questioned Chan.

"Well- uh- that's the thing. He really was- one of the most handsome people I've ever seen."

"Soo you're gay?" Asked Chan.

"I don't know. I mean, I've never felt this way about a boy before- or a girl actually.. But theres something different about him, it's like I need to see him again."

"Well did you get a name, at least?" Asked the Australian.

"Humm, Minho, Lee Minho." Said Jisung.

Changbin immediately tensed up in his seat. Minho, he was Felix's friend who sent him the voice message.. He thought to himself.

"Uh, you good Changbin?" Asked Chan after seeing him look uncomfortable.

Changbin cleared his throat "What?" his voice cracked "O-oh yeah I'm good"

"Do you know him???" Asked Jisung, jumping over to Changbin like an excited puppy.

"Well um, hes more of a... friend of a friend? I- I mean I've never met him myself but I know a friend who's close with him"

"Are you implying that you actually have friends other than us?" Said Chan, not sounding very convinced.

Changbin gulped "I- uh- its Felix-"

He was cut off by a shrill scream from Jisung.

"Ah, fuck my ears!" Chan said covering his ears. "I told you to stop doing that, only part of the studio is sound proof dipshit!"

"Sorry, sorry, but, Changbins boyfriend is friends with Minho!! It's like it's all connected"

"Hey! He is not my boyfriend!" Changbin said in defense.

"Fine, fine, sorry, future boyfriend" Jisung corrected himself.

Changbin sighed in defeat, knowing there was no reasoning with the younger.

"ANYWAYS do you think you could hook me up with Minho? Could ya? Could ya?"

"Hey! Felix doesnt even know what I look like yet and I dont plan to show him for a long time after what happened today."

"What happened today?" Said Chan and Jisung eerily at the same time

"Ah, fuck, I let that slip didnt I"

"Mhm and now you have to tell us!" Said Chan

Changbin explained everything, the cafeteria, the panic attack, the missing lessons, all of it. Of course the story ended with a squealing Jisung.

"Actually this is just like this drama I saw-"

"Jisung, with no due respect. Shut up." Said Chan as Jisung feigned hurt.

"Changbin, if you were having a hard time why didnt you call one of us?" He asked, leaning forward to grab his hand.

"Well, what was I supposed to do, just tell him to clear off? Besides... it was.. nice."

Jisung shrieked again out of excitement.
"Oh my God you're literally living a drama this is amazing, but wheres my prince charming??"

"Shut up!!" Said Chan and Changbin in unison leaving the younger defenseless and pouting in his seat.

Sorry for such random updates my writing is either "too lazy" or "let's stay up till 4am writing" but like thanks for 200 reads

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