Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Layla's POV

The day's dragged. Well, for when I was awake they dragged, but I had spent most of my time sleeping. The bed, although uncomfortable and lumpy, provided a little comfort. The pristine white walls made the room feel cold.

"Good evening, Layla. Have you had a good day?" The usual male nurse asked again, like a broken record every day. He had his usual metal tray, with the blue paper towel laid neatly across. On top of this tray were two things. A plastic cup filled with a clear liquid - water most likely, and a smaller paper cup - containing whatever medication this place had put me on.

"Perhaps it would have been good if I wasn't so drugged up to the point it knocks me unconscious." I sneered.

"Now now. It's time to take your next dose of medication. Has there been any further advancements?"

"Nope. I can barely remember any of it. Can I go home now?" I ask, picking up the paper cup and throwing its contents into my mouth and swallowing with the provided water.

He chuckled wryly. Shaking his head, he left the room without so much as another word. I laid back down, cuddling the stiff blue blanket to my chest for even the slightest of comfort. I just want to go home.

The drowsiness of the medication began to kick in. I fought against the sleep, my eyes feeling heavy and sore. I don't want to sleep, I don't want to remember. The dark depths of sleep consumed my body like a plague.

The harsh glare of the bulb shone brightly, burning my sensitive eyes. The usual call of the head nurse that visitors have arrived so all must go to the tea room. Sluggishly, I made my way with the drifting bodies heading in the same direction.

Taking my usual place by the window, I found solace in watching the world go by outside. I longed to feel the wind on my face, to smell the fresh air again. I missed the outside world, hell, I miss my mother trying to trick me into being her personal dress-up doll.

"Layla, you have visitors." The head nurse called throughout the room. The words barely registered in my head as a butterfly fluttered on by, playing chase with a bumblebee. I never get visitors. I had been here for a week and not one person came to visit, not even Mark.

The tapping on my shoulder indicated that someone wanted my attention. I slowly dragged my attention from the playful insects to the intruder. Before me, stood my parents. Frowning, I returned my attention back to the outside world.

I didn't want to see my family. They were the ones who put me in here. They were the ones who pulled me away from Mark. They were the ones who cut me off from the outside world and allowed these people to drug me up to the point where most days I don't even know who I am.

"Layla, honey. How are you feeling?" My mother asked gingerly.

"Well, I don't want to kill myself if that's what you're asking," I responded dryly. "Where's Mark?"

"We had no choice honey, you were in hysterics." My father informed.

"You did have a choice. Where is Mark?" I ask again.

"You wouldn't listen to us, we didn't know what else to do." My mother choked.

At this point, I was growing impatient. They were avoiding my question. "Where. Is. Mark?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Working." My father responded gruffly. "Why do you need to know Layla?"

"He's my bodyguard. He would have told you guys that putting me in here is not a solution." I sighed. I just wanted to go home, I wanted to be with him.

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