Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I sit down on my bed, keeping my eyes trained on Mark. He is in his usual bodyguard attire. Black suit, crisp white shirt, black tie and surprise, surprise, polished black shoes. Last night was the first time in years when I saw him in something that wasn't his bodyguard attire.

Shivering at the memory of a shirtless Mark on top of me, I averted my gaze. I could feel a blush creeping up my neck and he doesn't need to know the thoughts and images that float around in my head.

Inhaling a deep breath, I decide to get it over with and tell him everything. It's a jumbled mess but I hope that he will be able to understand and see that I am reliving every moment of it every day when it's brought up.

"So, it began that day I went missing. It was the premier night of mom's new movie and I was so excited to go watch it. When I went to the bathroom, I didn't expect anything to happen. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

"I was washing my hands when it all happened. I looked up at the mirror and saw in my reflection that a man was behind me. He was dressed in a black suit. He covered my mouth and nose with a cloth and he put something on it to make me sleep. The police suspect it was chloroform.

"I woke up hours later in some place I had never seen before. It looked like something out of a horror movie. All I could think was, 'holy shit. Am I in a real-life edition of the Saw movies?' Which to be honest, if you saw that room, you would think so too.

"There was an old, metal boiler at the other end of the room. There was a window where you could see the fire inside. It was the only light source in there. I saw chains hang from the ceiling. Saws, needles, drills, knives... I saw a lot of pain inflicting things down there.

"I noticed the blood that was stained on the old mattress I was laying on. I realised I wasn't his first victim. I came to the conclusion that since this guy has done this before, he has probably gotten away with murder and I would be next on his kill list.

"The first week was just slaps and punches. I was chained to the bed so I couldn't fight back. My wrists and ankles tied down painfully. After that first week, he gagged me because I was too loud.

"Of course, he fed me. Stale bread and water were all I had. It was enough to keep me alive, but by the second week I wished he had killed me in the bathroom instead. It got worse after that.

"In the second week, he tore off my dress. That's when he played with the chains. He whipped me with chains three times every day for that whole entire week. Third week, he played with knives. At first it was few cuts here and there, but they gradually got deeper throughout.

"The week after that he hit me with his belt. He made me count each one. Ten hits, three times a day for a whole week. The week after that he only came down to feed me, gag me and hit me whenever he saw my family on the news.

"He dragged the knife deep and long down my leg. I still have the scar to prove it. Then he would hit me with belts, chains, everything. Some days he even starved me. He was constantly re-opening the wound and I was losing a lot of blood at this rate.

"This continued for three weeks before he grew bored of me. He resorted to burning me. Cigarettes, pokers. Hell, I'm surprised he didn't have a branding iron to be perfectly honest with you.

"By this point, I was on the brink of death. I was starving, laying on a blood soaked, tear soaked, piss-soaked mattress. I was never released from the chains and was left to piss myself."

I told him. I told him my story. Hugging my knees to my chest, I wait with baited breath for his reaction. Time continues to tick by as he absorbs all the information, but I left out the key information that led to my escape.

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