Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Minutes tick by as I wait patiently from the back corner of the room. Warren occasionally looks back at me, causing me to shiver in disgust. If only that smirk would be wiped off his face. He looks so confident up there, as though he would win this case and be set free.

But the odds against are stacked so high, it's like comparing a skyscraper to an ant. The witnesses are called up, put on the spot and then leave to return to their places; just like I did.

"Miss, may I be so bold to ask your permission to drop the body guard facade for a moment and act as though I am your boyfriend for a few minutes to piss off that Warren Matthews?" Mark whispers calmly into my ear. His tone felt as though we were merely discussing the weather!

"I... Um..." I stammer. How does one respond to such a question like that from their personal body guard?

"Miss. Just say yes." He says coolly. I peer into his eyes, trying to see if there is any ulterior motive behind his suggestion. With disappointment flooding my veins, I nod my head.

"Yes." I say to him.

Mark slings his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his side. "Act as though we're in love." He whispers into my ear. I turn my body slightly and rest my head on his shoulder. I feel him kiss my head and the gesture sends a surge of happiness through me.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Warren look back over at me again. The smug look he adorns is wiped off when he sees me snuggle into Mark's side. Warren glares daggers at Mark and I can't help but feel lost within the situation that is taking part within the court room.

Why is Warren pissed that I am snuggling into Mark?

I am so consumed by my own thoughts that I didn't hear the jury's decision until the judge slammed his gavel down on the block. Jumping in fright, I push myself away from Mark. I watch as Warren is pulled to his feet and led down the pathway towards me.

"Just you wait princess. Once I get out of here, I'll come back for what is mine. Just you wait." He growls at me. I cower behind Mark at his words. As though instinct took over his body, Mark wraps his arms protectively around me.

Warren gets shoved forward before disappearing behind the door. The sound of his chains moving as he walks away grows quieter with each passing second. I stand to attention when my family stands and begins to leave as well.

Mark helps me out of the row and guides me down the hallways. We reach the big wooden doors of the entrance and dread fills me. I watch with baited breath as Mark once again slips out of his suit jacket. The other body guards following suit.

He urges my body into the hunched over position and covers my head with his jacket. He pulls me close to his body as the remaining guards exit to clear a path for us. My breathing comes in short, shallow breaths. Panic surged through me like molten lava.

We are given the all clear and Mark is instantly pushing us both through the doors. My family scurrying after us. I focus on Mark's heartbeat. The steady thumping helping me stay focused and push my fears aside.

The opening of a car door echoes through my ears. So close. I could see the interior of the car already. With a relieved sigh, I prepare myself to dive in like an ungraceful swan - or as some like to call the little devils, geese.

A cold hand wraps around my wrist and I cry out. I'm being pulled back and I reach out for Mark. His hand grabs mine as he swiftly - and dreamily, may I add - pulls me back to his chest. I feel the constriction of his muscles beneath his shirt as he pushes the person away.

Bodyguard's ObsessionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang