Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Layla's POV

Once again I was shipped off with Mark. But at least this time I was allowed a whole week to prepare. Well, I couldn't really prepare as I was confined to the hospital room recovering and undergoing numerous tests.

Thankfully, everything is good. My memory is all in one piece, I'm not suffering from any neural damage so my brain is ok. The hardest test I had to undergo was the rape test. They had to do swab tests, they had to take urine samples, they had to examine me closely down there for any scarring or whatever as I couldn't be sure if Warren had done anything to me as most of the time he had knocked me out with chloroform.

I thanked the Gods up above when everything came back that everything is as it should be and that my virginity was still intact. I was still whole... for now. I was glad that he hadn't raped me, but I couldn't help but question why he didn't. He had several opportunities to do so.

Our plan to fool Warren was that I was to go on holiday with my parents as a recovery retreat after the whole ordeal north of the country. While my family will be going north, Mark and I will be heading to the far south so we can put as much distance between us as possible. The police had hidden the news about the escape of Warren Matthews as it will only make our faux holiday look more real otherwise he will see through our plan.

So here I was, back in the car with Mark as he drove us somewhere. Once again, the location was hidden from me because I shouldn't need to know, apparently, I shouldn't even know the plan as the fewer people who know the better and it's best if I stay in the dark allegedly. Unlucky for them though, I managed to pry that little information out of Mark.

I watched him in silence, seeing the muscles ripple under his shirt every time he shifted gears or even moved a millimetre. His suit jacket thrown mindlessly over the back seat, his tie loosened with top two buttons undone. He combed his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his face.

The scorching weather was awful. Both of our windows were down and yet it feels like it did nothing, the AC brought no relief either. A drop of sweat trickled down the side of his neck and disappeared under the tight dress shirt.

Gulping, I looked out the window, trying to rid my mind of particular thoughts and images but no avail. My mind couldn't stop imagining seeing all the buttons undone, as he pours water over himself to cool down. Sweat glistening on his perfect abs. His hair soaked as he shakes the excess water out of it. Seeing his muscles flex as he walks towards me in slow motion, those blue eyes burning with unknown intent.

Shaking my head, I sent a mental prayer to banish all perverse imagery from my mind. Crossing my legs over, I hoped the tingling sensation between them would quickly calm down.

"It's getting late, we should find a hotel or something to spend the night," Mark says out of the blue. At his voice, I snap back to reality.

"Um, yeah, sure," I murmur in agreement. Within seconds after my response, it dawns on me what I had just agreed to. My mind races once again with more dirty images, mainly involving him and me being alone for a night in a hotel room... Oh dear Lord please banish these images from my mind before I lose control myself.

The sun slowly began to set over the horizon, the blue sky turning a mixture of pinks, oranges and reds. The view was magnificent and looked straight out of a painting. It felt like a truly rare sight to behold.

Minutes later we were pulling into a run-down motel which looked to have seen far better days. The shabby doors of rooms were painted white, which had yellowed and chipped over time. The flickering motel light had broken bulbs and read a broken message which would take a master codebreaker to decipher.

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