Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Noah," I breathed.

"Layla." He replied. His 100-watt smile plastered on his face. Brilliant white teeth sparkled at me, his eyes carrying a similar shine. It's been a few years since I last saw Noah and my heart breaks a little more seeing him again.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be here but-" I begin.

"Layla." He cuts me off, suddenly very serious. "It's fine. You don't need to explain. Your father told me. He's asked me to keep you off the grid while you're here."

My mind blanks at his words. He knows? "So, what does that make of our agreement?" I ask. I immediately wanted to slap myself for bringing this up again. It's unfair of me to ask such a stupid question. Our families are aware of the agreement and they fully supported it.

"Your father reminded me that it is still in full effect. But, this time, it's okay to break a couple of the rules. It's for your safety after all. Once you leave, it would be like how it has been for the past few years." He responds, his voice void of emotion. I wanted to kick myself for not realising that this hurts him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. What on earth was I thinking?

I looked away, not wanting to see the pain in those beautiful grey eyes of his. He's changed since I last him. He doesn't have braces anymore, he's ditched the graphic tees for that classic adult male look. I suppose, in a way, I have changed too since I last saw him. I wonder if he still reads.

I dragged my gaze back to the car and thrusted open the trunk. Hauling my suitcase out, it landed on the floor with a thump. Grabbing Mark's suitcase, I heaved it out. I got it halfway when strong hands gripped it and easily slid it out and placed it noiselessly on the floor.

I looked up to Noah. A somber look on his face as he smiled sadly at me, a smile I had seen before on the day we made that agreement. My heart thumped in my chest and I willed it to shut up. He's more attractive now, and damn me for being attracted to him.

The fates well and truly despise me if they have brought me to him. The pain on his face the day I said goodbye was still fresh in my mind. How could I do this? How could I stay here, knowing for a cold hard fact that this is all unfair to the both of us.

Suddenly, I had my face against his chest. His strong arms were around me. The smell of chocolate and the ocean consumed me as I gingerly hugged him back. I'm not going to lie, I have missed him.

"LAYLA!" Mark boomed furiously. I winced at the sound of his voice. Noah instantly rubbed my back comfortingly. I pulled away to face an angry Mark a few feet away. Noah, God bless his soul, had kept a steady hand on the curve of my back.

"Mark-" I began. What do I say? I was struggling for words.

"I'm going to assume you're the bodyguard?" Noah asked, his voice dripping with venom. With wide eyes, I looked at Noah in alarm. How could he sound so cold?

"I suggest you take your hand off her and back the fuck off." Mark growled. I shot daggers at Mark in warning to drop it. But his hardened eyes, never once, left Noah's face.

"My, my. You're quite over protective, aren't you? Can't you see that we are having a reunion here?" Noah said. Although his tone held humour, it felt like ice. I don't know this side of Noah and it both frightens and thrills me.

"I don't believe I know you, and I know everyone who has been around Layla. So, who the fuck are you?" Mark snarled. His posture was stiff and I had a terrible feeling he would be attacking Noah if he so much as flinches.

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