Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"I confirm the person in those photographs are me." I tell her with a shaky breath as I look over at every bruise, every scar, every wound.

"Can you tell me when these pictures were taken?" The woman asks.

"Yes. They were taken the 17th of April this year. A little over a week ago."

"I see. Now, Miss Greenman, can you confirm that the man sitting over there kidnapped you?"

"Yes, he did."

"Miss Greenman, how did you escape?" She asks, looking at me in wonder.

"It was very rushed. He seemed to have gotten mad and left the fire poker near the bed. It was just within my reach. While he... While he took off his clothes I managed to grasp the fire poker. He... He unbuckled my ankles and moved between my legs. So, I somehow managed to collect the rest of my energy and hit him over the head with the fire poker.

"He was rendered unconscious. I was able to reach his trousers with my foot and grab the keys from his pocket. I managed to unlock the handcuffs from my wrists. At this point, the only thing that was keeping me going was the adrenaline rush.

"Without thinking twice, I handcuffed him to the bed so that he when he eventually woke up, he wouldn't come chasing after me. I grabbed his shirt and ran out of the house. I managed to find his truck and I'm not one for stealing but I didn't know where I was or where the next town was.

"I didn't want to die in the woods so I hotwired his truck and drove away. On my way through the woods, I threw the keys to the handcuffs out the window. It was an assurance that he couldn't come after me.

"I immediately tried to look for a town and when I did, I went to the nearest Police station. I told them what happened to me, who I was, where I had just come from, where they could find Warren and how I got there.

"I told them I did steal his car. I was not proud of that but it was a kill or be killed situation to me in those moments. The Police took pictures of me to put in to the report I made about Warren. Of course, I didn't know his name back then."

"So, this man is not only being charged for kidnapping, murder, but also attempted rape?" The judge asked in disbelief as he looked down to the woman before me. She walks back to her papers and reads over them before looking back to the judge.

"Yes, your honour. He is being charged with all three." The woman confirms. I think back to the blood that had stained the mattress. I wasn't his first victim. He had killed before; did he rape the other girls before he killed them?

"Dear me." The judge says as he leans back in his chair. "Please, continue."

"Thank you, your honour. Miss Greenman, you say that you did not know Warren's name when you made the report?" The woman asks.

"Yes. I gave a description of him, as detailed as I possibly could. The sketch artist even drew up a sketch of him."

"I see. Is this the sketch you mentioned?" The woman asks as she gestures to the screen. I look over and sure enough, it is a sketch of Warren. The sketch and the person being almost identical if not for his hair being cut short.

"Y-yes. It is."

"Can you confirm that this sketch matches Warrens features?"

I look from the sketch, to Warren, and back to the sketch again. "Yes." I reply.

"Thank you. No more questions your honour." The woman gives me a final smile before walking away back to her desk and sitting down.

"A moment, your honour. I have some more questions I would like to ask." The woman from earlier says as she rises from her seat. The judge gives her the floor and she clicks her way over to me. "Miss Greenman, how did you learn to hotwire a car?"

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