Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The weeks flew by so quickly, I barely had any chance to realise how far we had come. Noah and Serena had stopped talking the first week, and I could understand why. But during that week, Serena and I became friends. I got to know her better and where she came from.

Serena is an unusual friend. She enjoys yoga and being at one with nature, whatever the hell that means. She fights for animal rights and is vegan. Usually, I'm not so great with handling vegans because I enjoy eating meat but for some reason she didn't hate me for it. I even remember how our mock argument went down.

"Meat is murder." She laughed.

"Oh please, I'm doing the world a favour." I replied, trying my hardest not to burst out in heart-felt laughter.

"How so? The meat from those poor, defenceless animals give you no nutrients but protein whereas vegetables have vitamins." She argued.

"The animals release too much methane which goes into the atmosphere and causes global warming which could destroy the planet."

"HOWEVER, those animals are tortured so you can have a burger." She pulled a face as I bit into my burger in response to her argument. "They are scared and defenceless just so you can enjoy that fattening burger."

"But as a species, we need to eat meat. It gives us protein as you said. It's part of a balanced diet you know."

"You can find other sources of protein that doesn't involve the slaughtering of animals that were forcefully fattened up for people to eat."

"My food shits on your food though... I'm doing you a favour."


We had looked past our differences from that first day of meeting each other. She was surprised and I was cranky. Thankfully, we resolved the issue and we came to an agreement to share the bedroom however, I was warned that if I didn't feel safe and wanted to be with Mark then I would need to go into his room to sleep because she didn't want that 'tanned hunk of muscle' in our room in case she jumped him.

When she had made that comment about Mark, something flared up inside me. I had looked at her then, really looked at her. She looked like his type. Blonde, smart, flexible and fun to be around. Nothing like me. She would be the perfect match for him and I will admit, I don't like it. Jealousy reared her ugly head and waved mockingly at me with her sadistic grin.

Although Serena is an amazing girl, and I'm pretty sure that despite her looks, she would have been my closest friend had I known her longer. I was pretty sure that my jealousy towards her are stopping me from making that extra leap to get closer to her.

I fear that one day, I will get too close and Mark will choose her. Once more, I would be left nursing a broken-heart while they live happily together. I know it is foolish to think like this, but I have seen the females that Mark sometimes hangs out with when he is off-duty.

Blonde, tall, funny. They would have green eyes, brown eyes... But they would always be blonde and tall, just as tall as him. They would have the cutest laughs and smile perfectly. Their bodies would look as though they were hand-crafted by God himself.

I, on the other hand, am none of those things. I have dark hair and grey eyes. My smile is not charming and makes the birds in trees fly away. My laugh isn't angelic either. I'm short and no way in shape enough to actually have men falling at my feet. I'm average in every aspect – apart from my height. I'm like a midget compared to others.

"Layla?" Serena asked. I shake my thoughts away and smile sadly at her.

"Yeah?" I ask as she pushes me into another stretch. Serena has been helping me with my stretches to get my legs working again. My legs started working days ago but now, I just want to learn how to do yoga and this has become our warm up.

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