Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I sit in the car, drowning myself in my own thoughts. Ever since we had left, Mark had not said a single word to me. Not even a 'it's going to be ok' or even a simple 'hello'. I felt stupid for even thinking he would say anything about how I look or about the situation I have landed us both in.

I never did get to find out about my attacker. When I had returned to my room, he wasn't there. Nobody had said anything about it to me. I wonder if he was released upon the world or possibly even put in jail. I hope it was the latter.

I look over to Mark. His jaw was clenched as he breathed heavily. I look down to his hands. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles had turned white. I was positive he had placed dents into the poor thing.

Ripping my eyes away, I decided to look out the window. The silence was deafening, and Mark was clearly angry about something. My best guess is that he is angry at me, at my family, at this whole situation.

"Mark, why do you look so angry?" I ask quietly, but my voice felt as though I had screamed it from the mountains.

"I didn't mean to look so angry, miss." He replied. His voice was blank of all emotion. Professional.

"You didn't answer my question." I noted as I stared blankly out the window.

"For a moment, can we forget that I'm your bodyguard?" He asks instead.

"For God sake, Mark! We've been friends since we were in diapers! I thought our friendship came before work. I'm sick of your professional attitude, your stupid blank voice whenever we talk because you're in work mode? Where's the guy who-"

"Listen, Princess." He interrupts me suddenly. My heart thumps loudly in my chest as my eyes snap to his face. Please, be still my heart. I was positive he could hear it racing. "I'm not angry. I'm just... Trying not to be distracted right now. It's best if I get you to the location quickly and promptly. But you're making it so difficult."

Rage quickly filled me. "Oh. I'm sorry that I'm distracting you. I'll get out and walk if that helps!"

"Jesus, Princess. Of course, you'd think that. I meant... The way you're dressed. It's like everything is being presented before me. I may be your bodyguard, your friend, but above all of that, I'm a man. A man who is fighting temptation. I have needs, Princess. And right now, with the way you're dressed, I want nothing more than to satisfy those needs."

My cheeks flamed at his words. Does he mean what I think he means? That would be breaking rule number three, right? He couldn't possibly-

"But I have to ignore it. I have to squash my desires. For one, I'm your friend and I won't do that to you. Secondly, I'm your bodyguard. It's forbidden." He states.

My hopes are suddenly squashed by his words. God-freaking-damnit! I could have won. I could have had him. I could have told him my feelings, I could have possibly found out how he truly feels about me. But I now understand that I'm just a childhood friend and a job, all rolled into one, to him.

Sinking down into my seat, I allow my heart to die once again. Rules number two, five, and eight flashes in my mind again. Trust no one, don't speak so freely to the bodyguard, never question bodyguard. Fuck! I was so willing to trust my instinct in thinking that he actually cared for me.

Hours go by. Silence had engulfed us again. It was maddening. I felt as though I was going to go insane from the lack of noise besides the whirring of the engine.

The sky was dark, glittered with stars as we drove. It was somewhat soothing to see the night sky. The moon was full and bright as ever. I began making out patterns with the stars, smiling to myself every once in a while.

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