A Haylor Story

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A Haylor Story

A book about Harry and Taylor's frobidden love. Everything in this story might be fictional and some might be not. The story is inspired by a lot of books but we ensure you, we will never copy anything without the author's permission for us to use. Criticizing, recommending and praising can be taken as a feedback. Using of foul words in this story may be tolerrated so don't be mad. Don't hate and just enjoy it!


All rights Reserved.

To my idol, Taylor Swift and her forbidden relationship.

To Harry, my not-so-future-husband.

Chapter 1 - And it all begin with our bosses

One summer afternoon, my phone rang but my mom told me to move faster because I have a photoshoot that needs to be done. I didn't get a chance to answer it. The name of the caller was unknown and I was starting to panic because I thought it was a random stalker. Until I found out, it was Selena. I never knew she changed her number before.

I'll talk about her later.

That month was such a dramatic moment because I got death threats and mail which contains all of the hate from the fans of my boyfriend.

What the hell did I even do to you, people?

Okay, Taylor. Calm the hell down.

Scott, the founder of Big Machine Records and Simon Cowell agreed that for me to sell out my upcoming world tour and for 1D to sell out their new album, I need to date one of them.

I mean if I'm being honest with every single one of you that's listening to my brain, I'n pretty confident I'd have sold out tours.

But business is business. I just pray that there wouldn't be any pleasure involved.

Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall were already taken. Demi has a little something going on with Niall. We used to be close at one point so out of respect, I'll back off. I find Harry as a real gentleman person. And besides of his lovely face, his curls are so adorable.

Did I just use the world lovely?

So they decided that Harry and I should date. It started with a spreading rumours with Harry having a crush on me.

Imagine me squealing.

And those pictures with me and Harry wearing matching necklaces.

Anyways, back to Selena.

She and Justin broke up few weeks ago and I'm really sad that I can't be with her when she needs me the most. I heard some news that Demi and Sel are seeing each other again and I just kept thinking that I was being replaced.

Well, Am I?

Luckily, I have my bestfriend on my back which is Abigail. She's moving to Miami next month and I would really miss her. Someone told me that Abigail is seeing the boyfriend of the Victoria Secret Model who is the reason why Justin and Selena broke up.

Ah, connections.

What a small world. I just can't believe that the boyfriend of Abi is cheating on her.

Why the hell would you cheat on a beautiful girl? Boy, he's lucky she doesn't write songs.

Men are pigs. Period.

I swear to the heavens if I become god or whatever, I'd do something about cheaters. Make them ugly or do some ritual to cleanse their dirty acts.

And Harry? I never really liked him even if I find him attractive.

The truth is, I still have feelings for Joe. But, of course sis before dicks, right?

Love really hurts. But I just need to keep it to myself. I feel like I've been doing that for the longest time.

I called Selena's new number just to make sure that she was fine. Truth is, I was just trying to find some reasons to call her. She said that she really wants to keep our conversation private because every move that we make is being watched by all of the people around us.

All I know is she was a wreck after their break-up. Drugs, alcohol, gambles, name it and she probably have done it. At first, I couldn't believe the thought of her doing those things because she's such a sweet girl. Used to be.

I'm a little bit flattered because she shared her all of her secrets to me. But somehow, I don't really want to see her hurt. So I decided to call Justin and we talked about it. We fought about it and it really didn't turned as well as I could've planned. In the middle of my problems that I just created, Harry barged in looking mad? I can't even explain anything that he does.

I can just imagine myself on top of him, or is it the other way around.

Laugh it off, Tay. Pretend like you're unbothered.

You hate him.

But you want to kiss him.

Still, hate is a strong word. Live up to it.

I asked him why he was all dressed-up. He said he was taking me to Paris to just get out of the drama since the whole dating chaos.

The plan of Simon which I just found out, might I add, is that I'm gonna dump Harry in the middle of our red carpet interview.

Red carpet, really? Couldn't you get classier than that?

I disagreed because I would totally look like the asshole here. But they left me with no choice. Some people really enjoyed the drama.

But I didn't.

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