jihope + you

879 20 4

Pls its been so long leave me alone

switch! Hoseok
bottom! Jimin
Dominant! you.

more fluff than smut, thats what part two is for.


"god dammit." you grunted as you picked up the broken glass from the kitchen floor. its pretty pink  design was now scattered dust on your finger tips as the tiny blades but into your palms.
You has dropped a vase, a pretty expensive one at that, and winced at the thought of the price you paid for this damn vase. It was an easy clean-up thankfully, but that didn't stop the little pieces that lingered on the floor from cutting into your feet as you walked to throw away what remains of said vase. 

"woah, what happened here ?" Your boyfriend Hoseok walked into the kitchen as you were cleaning the blood off of your palms.
"just dropped a vase" you respond, wincing and cursing at the water running from your palms and into the drain, going from that transparent glass color to a light pink from the blood which flowed with the water.

"that vase was so expensive..how did you manage to drop it in the first place?" Hoseok walked over to the sink and inspected your hand.
"i was carrying it..and it fell." you explained. you had carried it to the kitchen to move it from the dinning room table to the kitchen island, as it looked better in the center of the marble instead of the dark stained wood.

"well..thats alright. we can buy another!" He exclaimed, and helped you carefully bandage your hand, kissing it all better.

you smiled, and leaned up to kiss the top of his forehead, he always made everything feel better.

The door handle turned and rattled, you and Hoseok both turning to look at the front door, instantly feeling both of your hearts beating and fluttering at the thought of who was at the door.

"im back! i brought back the strawberries!"

you smiled, both you and Hoseok sped towards the door and hugged the life out of the boy who had dropped his bags and gripped onto the two of you tightly.
"i missed you guys!" he cooed and lightly jumped in excitement. he loved his partners with every being in his body, and see the two of you made his life so much better, all his worries were drowned, all his stress washed away.

"we missed you too Jimin" you kissed his head, Hoseok following your movements and doing the same.
Jimins cheeks flushed, and he gave the two of you a kiss on the cheek.

"oh? what happened to your hand? are you okay?" Jimin took notice of your bandaged hand and grabbed it, inspecting your palm in worry.
"im okay, im okay, just a little accident dont worry" you assured. he kissed your hand.
"hopefully that makes it feel better!" he smiled and looked up at you with nothing but adoration and love.
Jimin always made you feel better, you didnt even notice the pain throbbing in your hand anymore.

"come on! lets make the cake guys!" Hoseok called from the kitchen, the three of you planned to make a cake, just because, why not? who doesnt like a good cake once in while?

As Jimin grabbed the ingredients, you chopped up the strawberries, and Hoseok pre-heated the oven.
You mixed, Jimin put ingredients into the bowl as you mixed, and Hoseok sat on the counter and looked pretty, swinging his feet and giving the two of you "good jobs" and praises.

As you mixed, you thought about how lucky you were to find them, at your lowest, Hoseok was there every step of the way. The first kiss you two had was when you had realized your purpose. To be his, in his arms everyday of your life.

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