Hogwarts, Here I Come- September 1st, 1991

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The rest of the year is going to be in Harry's point of view until Victoria and Daisy go to school. I will probably only do a few chapters summing up Harry's first year. 

*Harry's POV*

I was excited I had my trunk packed and I was finally leaving this dump for a wizarding school Uncle Vernon said he was driving me there with the rest of the family and Petunia wasn't looking forward to it and knowing Victoria was going to it next year. They drove to kings cross and then Harry got out the ticket and it said platform 9 3/4 and he was like "there is no such thing?"

"What?" Petunia said annoyed. 

"Petunia did your mom or your sister tell you what platform 9 and 3/4." 

"I am swallowing down my pride to tell you this. She said she had to close her eyes as she ran into a wall. I thought it was Ludacris so I didn't pay attention." 

That is when a family of red heads walked on the other side of the platform and she said "These streets are packed with muggles come on platform 9 and 3/4 this way."   

They all followed them and that is when the plump red head said "Percy off you go then." 

"Excuse me ma'am. My family here are muggles  and I was wondering if you could tell us how to get to the platform." I said as I looked at her.

"Muggle-born interesting. Percy why don't you show them how it is done." She said to the kid that was probably the oldest and he went in front of the wall and he literally disappeared into it. We all shook our heads "Fred you next," He looked to one on the right side.

Daisy then piped up and said, "Can I come with you?" 

He said, "Sure why not?" 

He lined the cart to the gate and she sat on the trunk and said, "Wee" with her arms up and they ran into the wall full speed ahead.

"Now are you all muggles?" The lady said.

"Just these 3," I said pointing to the adults and Dudley."

"I would suggest you guys to hold on to your children they are magical and you need to be magical to cross that barrier." Petunia held on to me tightly and Vernon and Dudley held on to Victoria and they made it onto the platform.

They all held on to each other for dear life and that is when I saw a beautiful red head behind me and I  let go of Petunia and nodded my head to her. I choked out a few words. "I'm Harry what is your name?"

"Ginny, Ginny Molly Weasley. So is this your first year?"

"Yeah my sisters are coming next year. You are really pretty."  I said nervously. 

She blushed like a tomato. "The train's leaving soon you should say goodbye to your family. I will see you soon Harry. I will wait for your owl Harry." 

"Where do you live?"

"Just tell your bird to deliver your letters at the burrow. I will be waiting."

 She then gave me a kiss on my cheek and maybe it was a heat of the moment thing but I put my hands on her neck and gave her a real kiss and I didn't know what to do so I backed away all the same, Daisy was behind me and she was standing next to the two twins who wolf whistled and I blushed like allot because it was my first kiss with a girl. Thankfully nobody else was watching as Victoria and my Aunt and Uncle, were elsewhere and The oldest and the younger boy of Ginny's family while Dudley was looking for his girlfriend. Harry broke the ice by saying, "I will write to you Ginny I promise." He then smirked and headed to the train and he looked back and winked a Ginny. She madly blushed so much her brothers couldn't tell what was more red her hair or her face. 

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