A Christmas to remember Part 14

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"Hang on I never told you that I had another child." Carol said looking at Petunia. 

"Sorry Mom I didn't realize I was such a burden to you." Petunia said, finding strength in her husband's grip on her hand.

"Petunia why are you here?" Carol said stricken.

"I..." she was speechless she didn't know why she was here. "I thought it was time for us to reconnect." 

"Who are these people Petunia and why may I ask are you hanging out with wizards. You made it very clear that you hate everything magic and everything related to magic so what the bloody hell changed?" 

"She did." Victoria said looking at her supposed grandmother sternly. "She never abandoned you. It was you who left and never contacted us again. I would appreciate if you didn't bad mouth MY mother. She took care of me when you were never there. She gave me everything I could ever dream of and in return I saved her from herself. She was always a good mother and the main reason we are here is because of me you see I am a witch and I found out last year that I had magical powers and instead of them abandoning me they gave me the love and comfort any child deserved. She took me to the theater, to ice skating lessons, and she gave me everything I always wanted and she and my dad treat me like a queen hence why I was named Victoria Elizabeth Dursley. She gave me a sister and a brother and they let me go to Diagon Alley with my family, where I met the most clingy and protective boyfriend I could ever meet, and allowed me to finally be happy in my own skin. She allowed me to see my friends and family and she got over her stubbornness, and that is not even the best part. She got a job at Hogwarts as a muggle studies teacher and she became a witch just like me. She can see me grow up at Hogwarts and I couldn't be prouder. She taught me to be tough and strong and never take crap from anyone, including my own grandmother so cut the crap and tell us why you thought it was a good idea to abandon us or so help me god I will hex you and turn your hair pink." 

"I... was scared." Carol said looking at the girl that reminded her of her late daughter Lily. "I left England because I became depressed after burying my daughter. I needed to leave my past behind. I thought I was giving my other daughter her best chance to let go. She had 2 children at the time and I knew she would be happy. I am glad to know that she changed. That she has you as a daughter. It is nice to meet you Victoria. You remind me so much of..."

"Lily I know." Victoria said. "A lot of people say that, but there is one critical difference. Lily never talked to snakes." 

Carol looked frightened at this. "You speak parseltongue?"

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"The language of the snakes. I heard Salazar Slytherin can do that." Draco said. 

"The young man is correct. Only Descendants of him can do that." 

"But I am a muggleborn's daughter." 

"It should be physically impossible." Carol said.

"Then I am just a rare creature." 

"Honey I..." Slughorn said as he came up the steps, "Lil-lily." As he made out the red headed girl standing by his wife. It was like seeing a ghost. 

"Victoria. Lily was my aunt." She said. 

"Oh. Sorry. I was just coming to check on my wife. Are you okay darling?" Slughorn said. 

"Yes, but I would like you here honey." She said taking his hand. "Honey I would like you to meet your step daughter, Petunia and her family." 

"Pleasure is all mine. Horace Eugene Flaccus Slughorn." Dudley sniggered at his name. 

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