Easter break of Surprises Part 24

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Quirrell was getting less and less nervous around students mostly because Emma was around him nearly all the time. Snape was a little displeased with it but it is not like he can control Emma. However in the weeks that followed he did seem to get paler and thinner. Emma thought it was just stress from Snape which she knew she would be able to handle the tension that is stirring inside him.

 In a few weeks, Easter break was coming up and Hope had been excited, she was going to meet her twin brother in Australia they were going to take two portkeys to the place which Snape  procured from Dumbledore to take them to Australia as Muggle travel would be a unnecessary way of getting there Harry was nervous Hope, Daisy, Victoria, Draco, Evangeline, Dudley, Fred, George, Ron and Hermione were all coming with Snape, Lily and James and lastly Emma as she didn't want to miss her boyfriend's son. It was going to be a messy situation and Hope, Harry, Daisy, and Evangeline were all going to meet their older brother. Hope found out that Leo was born first of the twins which made her a little bit grumpy. She was hoping that she was older. Madam Pomphrey brought out Leo first and then 10 minutes later Hope came out. All the pets were staying at home as they can't bring much stuff with a portkey which Snape gets in a few weeks. 

Hermione, unlike Harry and Ron who were thinking about the Sorcerer's Stone, however, had more on her mind than the sorcerer's stone. She had started drawing up study schedules and color coding all her notes. Harry and Ron wouldn't have minded but she kept nagging them to do the same. 

"Hermione, the exams are ages away." said Harry 

"Ten weeks," Hermione snapped. "That is not ages, that's like a second to Nicolas Flamel."

"But we're not six hundred years old," Ron reminded her. "Anyway, what are you studying for you already know it all." 

"What am I studying for? Are you crazy? You realize we need to pass these exams to get into the second year? They're very important, I should have started studying ago, I don't know what has gotten into me..." 

Unfortunately, the teachers seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Hermione. They piled in so much homework that they realized the easter holidays were not going to be as much fun as they thought.  The trip to Australia was fast approaching. They were looking forward to seeing it as much as Snape getting to meet his son. The prospect that he not only had 2 daughters, but his first born was a son was very thrilling.

A few weeks ago after the quidditch match against Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, Severus had a little heart to heart with Lily and they conceded that they need to try to be functioning parents for the sake of their children, they forgave each other yet again and Lily clued in that Leo's middle name was Wyatt she said she knew Severus didn't like his name so she got the name from James pet owl he had as a child when his mother had worked as a unspeakable and his father was on one of his many business trips. Severus had to agree with her that the name Leo Wyatt Snape had a certain ring to it, and that it was probably best that he had the name Evans when he went to school as he would be targeted. 

In the meantime Quirrell was making time with Miss Lovegood for company, as the kid was starting to grow on him. He made weekly presents to his godson Tommy, every one of his letters brought a smile to his face and Luna messaged back more info on the 8 year old, he found out from Luna his favorite colors were Green, Red and Silver, Christmas was his favorite holiday and Mardi gras in New Orleans was his favorite thing to attend, his favorite cake was Kings cake which he gets every Mardi gras and for his birthday. He loves his two siblings and his favorite relative, aside from Tom himself, was Uncle Remus as he always gave him Chocolate when he came to visit and he is why he became an Animagus, to help him out in the full moon. To say Quirrell was impressed was a understatement. He thought of making a pit stop in New Orleans by portkey but thought against it. He didn't want to impose. He was planning to go on a trip to Argentina for his ex and see his children for the first time. Well his triplets at least they haven't seen him ever while his ex kept them hidden. He doesn't blame her for it. He was packing and he wondered what to bring. How do you talk to your 15 and 12 year old children. He took the portkey and it turned and it landed him in a handsome little house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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