Things we lost Part 21

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When the train got back to the school Harry was beyond exhausted he spent a week with the Malfoys, and the Snapes, and surprisingly he didn't hate it. Along with the Dursleys, and only some of the Weasleys and kept writing messages to his girlfriend through the charmed diary, while Emma kept writing to Bathilda Bagshot, and he was welcomed with a surprise when he got to the school it seems Snape told Dumbledore, and surprise surprise Dumbledore didn't know about Snape and Lily having a daughter. 

Later that night on New years, after Lucius complained about the loudness of the muggle fireworks, they crashed at the apartment and there was a letter sitting on Snape's dresser. Addressed to Ms. Snape since he didn't know her given name as Dumbledore hasn't really met the girl and neither has McGonagall and Hope anxiously tore through the letter and screamed. Screamed, mind you, and woke everyone up who were trying to fall asleep, she promised her dad that she would make him proud and went to hug him, as she was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

When they arrived there were the two most unlikely children on the train and Emma a 11 year old just barely and a 13 year old which the twins talked with Hope and found she was a really cool companion to hang around and they planned to play pranks. Lee came into the compartment, and attempted to flirt with the new girl, who had in his opinion had the most beautiful eyes. But unfortunately for him, she wasn't interested. If only Lee knew she was the daughter of the muggleborn woman Lily Potter and Severus Snape, the greasy dungeon bat that they seemed to not like that many kids. They went to the great hall, and they were excited to see the students and Dumbledore was there with the Sorting Hat and said, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to come baring with exciting news for today as there are some students here that were unfortunately unable to come to the sorting back in the first semester as they were otherwise occupied to come to the sorting ceremony due to some complications. Ladies if you would please come to the front to be sorted." 

The two girls came to the front and presented themselves at the front and said thank you to Dumbledore. "Now lets get to it then." He shouted "Hope Evans." 

He put the dirty hat on her head and it said "Difficult very, difficult more, more so than your father, maybe even more so than your brother, amazing potions master, excellent transfiguration student, but I guess you get that from your mother along with a brave and bold character, you want to rule the world like it is your throne which is why you against everyone else became a registered Animagus, at age 10 making you the youngest Animagus of the century aside from well Tommy Slughorn. You taught yourself to be a parseltongue like the young boy, and you have a potent and natural forming ability, which you got from your supposedly famous potions master  of a father and a supposed Uncle, but who can blame you after all you grew up in New Orleans, and you became a better potioneer than Slughorn himself, but you are worried that you will be a disappointment with your new father if you don't get in your father's house, but we are getting off topic. Loyalty and kindness like no other, perhaps Hufflepuff. No No, bravery and ability to cause mischief and mayhem like the Weasley twins, perhaps Gryffindor. No you are sly and persuasive and excellent at potions and can speak to snakes. But your wit and knowledge shine above everything else, RAVENCLAW!" He shouted out throughout the great hall. The Ravenclaw table cheer at the extension of the newest student. They don't know the trouble maker that is Severus Snape's oldest daughter. She sent a pleading look to the young Emma who gave her a encouraging nod and nodded to look at her father who seemed to be clapping the loudest and looking proud of his daughter and probably the only teacher making a standing ovation for her aside from Flitwick who was lucky to have a new student. Snape got up and walked around the table and gave her a big hug before she tore her eyes away from him. 

"You aren't mad?" Hope said.

"Your my little Hope, I could never be mad at you. You got out of the chaos that is Gryffindor and Slytherin house, and as much as I would love you to be in my house I bet 20 galleons to Slughorn you would be like your mother and I was not wrong. Go sweet and I will be sure to cheer you on when you become a chaser for your house." 

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