The Secrets Part 12

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The shock that was on her face and everyone's face at the moment was what made The Great Hall so quiet. It was amazing she found out her two best friends were wizards and witches, that her aunt could do magic and Daisy's godmother was her aunt. She said the first thing that came to her mind. "Were you ever going to tell me? You're my God Mother." 

There was a single tear falling down her face. "Honestly I don't know. I never told anyone." Daisy stood and ran and hugged her ... godmother. Petunia was a bit hesitant but put her arms around the little girl. They let go. "I have magic." She gripped the wand and moved and had a inkling of a spell one she heard from her sister but she heard it was advanced magic. She turned her wand in two big circles and a spell shot out of her wand but it wasn't really a spell it was like a misty silvery substance and it made a shape of a swan out of it it bowed to petunia regally and she did the smallest of smiles. Daisy stared at her aunt in awe along with her sister. "I really do have magic. That was real. That was your parents favorite spell." Daisy looked at her surprised. 

"I don't mean to be interrupting this touching moment, but the food is getting cold, and the students will be leaving there classes soon." Dumbledore said "Ah. I almost forgot." 

He handed Dudley what looked to be a lighter. "A magical artifact of my own making. It is called a deluminator. You don't need magic to use it so use it wisely." 

"What does it do?" Dudley asked. 

"It will show you the light. Open it." Dudley did what he asked and opened it and it took a ball of light from a nearby torch and then it burned shrunk inside the object then he pressed a button and it went back to the torch. "Don't worry I made it so it isn't breakable or lost from its owner." He said with a wink. Dudley blushed fully how he tends to break things. "Now eat. There is going to be a lot of walking so Pip Pip." He said and the children began conversing and Petunia remained stoic to it all. 

"So mom, you're magical. What are you going to do?" Victoria asked. The whole table shushed at that. "Mom you have options in the magical world. You know more about living as a muggle than most people here the school. You can teach here. There is a class here called muggle studies. You can teach kids here how life is like as a muggle. If there is anyone who knows how to be a stern teacher and handle kids, it is you." Victoria said truthfully. Petunia's usually cold exterior started melting at that point. He daughter thought she would make a great teacher. It is nice to think her daughter looked up to Petunia, but at the same time she realized that Victoria is no longer a little girl. It broke her heart and mended it at the same time. 

Petunia took a few breaths and said, "Not right now darling maybe in a few years, but I need to learn as much as I can." 

"The question is who is going to teach you." Harry said. "I heard if you suppress your magic you become what they call a obscurus. The things I heard about an obscurus seem pretty gruesome." He shivered at the things he read about a obscurus in New York in the 1920's.  "Some of them survive but most children don't survive past the age of 10, if not properly trained. You can't ignore this Petunia." He had an air of authority around him. "For the next few years, you will have to train  by either a tutor or at Hogwarts or you will become something dangerous, deadly to you and everyone else including your children, or you will become their worst nightmare, something to be feared. You can enroll in this school while you are teaching so its less suspicious or you can be trained during the summer by your daughter or somebody else. It would be best if you do take a teaching job here, and I am sure that Dumbledore would be able to squeeze you in. That is if your husband agrees to her being gone for most of the year." He gave him a pointed look that says 'you're going to agree'. Vernon nodded furiously. The children dug into the assorted of foods and Vernon and Dudley piled on.

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