The Adventures of Gryffindor Common room

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The Gryffindor first years followed Percy through the chattering crowds, out of the Great Hall, end up the marble staircase. He went to Neville who was nervous for some reason. I whispered, "I knew you would be a Gryffindor."

"How?" Neville said.

"I just knew. Don't ask why." He smirked. "You will make a great Gryffindor Neville, I bet 20 galleons on it." He winked, "Your sisters are going to be proud of you." Harry's legs were like lead again, but only because he was so tired and full of food. He was too sleepy even to be surprised at the people in the portraits along the corridors whispered and pointed as they passed or that twice Percy led them through doorways hidden behind sliding panels and hanging tapestries. They climbed more staircases, yawning and dragging their feet and Harry was just wondering how much farther they had to go when they came to a sudden halt.

A bundle of walking sticks was floating in midair ahead of them, and as Percy took a step toward them they started throwing themselves at him.

"Peeves," Percy whispered to the first years. "A poltergeist." He raised his voice. "Peeves --- Show yourself."

A loud, rude sound like air being let out of a balloon, answered.

"Do you want me to go to the Bloody Baron?"

There was a pop, and a little man with wicked, dark eyes and a wide mouth appeared, floating cross-legged in the air, clutching the walking sticks.

"Cool eyes," I said.

"What?" Peeves and Percy said at the same time.

"I find people are more tolerable if you compliment them so is Peeves your full name or not?"

"No but I prefer Peeves." He looked at the student baffled. "No one compliments me so why did you?"

"That is not true. I saw the ghost of Hufflepuff talk about you. He seemed generally concerned about your well being. He was talking about giving you a second chance to the ghost of Gryffindor. I don't remember their names. Now Percy can you lead us to Gryffindor Tower we are all a bit tired. Have a good night Peeves." He smiled. They left the hall.

"You want to watch out for Peeves," said Percy as they set off again. "The Bloody Baron's the only one who can control him, he won't even listen to us prefects. Here we are."

At the very end of the corridor hung a very fat woman in a pink silk dress.

"Password?" she said.

"Caput Draconis," said Percy, and the portrait swung forward to reveal a round hole in the wall. They all scrambled through it --- Neville needed a leg up --- and found themselves in the Gryffindor common room, a cozy, round room full of squashy armchairs.

"Welcome to Gryffindor common room. Boys dormitories upstairs and down to your left. Girls the same on your right. You will find all of your belongings have already have been brought up." He got out and he was tired so he plopped down on the bed as he put on his pajamas. Then that night he had an nightmare. He woke up and he decided to sit in the window and went downstairs only to see he wasn't the only one up. Neville was down there and he was crying. "Neville what is the matter?"

"I miss my sisters. This is the first time I am not with them in the same house."

"You can write to them you know."

"I don't have my own owl Harry, and it is not the same."

"You can borrow mine Neville I don't mind sharing."

"It is okay Harry." Neville said with a solemn look on his face.

Harry then got out of his robes a bag of cash. "Here you keep it. You can buy a owl for your sister's and you. It would make a great present for them and I can spare the money. Me and my sisters already have owls. Go write a letter I bet your family wants to know you got in Gryffindor and that you made friends on your first day. I will write too. I miss my sisters too. I also need to check in with my Aunt and my friend Pansy." He then turned on a light and started writing. first to Pansy,

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