One very special day (part 2)- August 1st, 1991

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*Victoria's POV*

"Eve you're here why?!?" Dudley goes up and kisses her and hugs her and lifts her up. "I got something for you."


"Yeah wait right here." He then goes up and goes upstairs and to his room. Mrs. Dursley goes and grabs Harry's wand which was lying in the cupboard and says, "Who are you?"

"You're a witch?" Lucius asks.

"Ilvermorning in America. Who are you?" Petunia said lying, he believed her.

"I am Lucius Malfoy this is my son Draco. He and your daughter are dating."

"I had a feeling. I tried very hard to keep my daughter away from this life and obviously it didn't work out. They found out the truth eventually. I don't use magic unless in extreme emergencies so don't push it and yes I am a muggleborn so if you call me a mudblood in my own house I will not hesitate to kick your ass and I don't need a wand to do that. Good to see you too Severus good to see that father hood is working for you." She raises her eyebrows knowing he knew she was not a witch. He decided to lie and let Lucius believe she is a witch.

"Yeah it is working for me Petunia. Good to see nothing has changed."

"I am adapting. What about you?" She asks. 

"Trying to accept the fact my daughter is dating your son. Who is a squib?"

She crinkles her nose at the offensive word. "Don't use that word in my house Snivellous or you will face my children's wrath. My daughter is a very bright and talented witch and if you offend my son I won't need to kick your ass, she will."

"Thank you Petty for being as stubborn as I remember." Severus said. 

"Can you guys shut up it is my birthday? I want to go and see wicked lets get to the car okay. Mom can Draco come and Evangeline for the play. It is my tenth birthday please!?1"

"Fine we will drop you guys off you guys have seen the play many times. I will trust you and meet you at the theater. I think it is time for me and Vernon to have a date night while you kids have fun. Okay come on kids we are going to the London Colosseum. Lets go." They all hop in the car and Evangeline and Dudley are in the big family car with Draco and me. I reached across and put on the seatbelt on Draco when he clearly thought I was putting an arm around him he asked "What is this?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "It is called a seatbelt. It keeps you safe in your seat Draco. I don't think I have to explain the dangers of being in a car accident and if you shoot threw the window. You may live on Broomsticks as a means of transportation but here we have to travel by ordinary means even though there are dangers. I rather not lose my boyfriend in a car accident so just wear it and don't question it."

"Okay. You know there are other means of transportation to get from one place to another."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Portkeys can take you across countries usually it is something pretty useless to muggles something they wouldn't touch. Objects if you will. Like a dirty shoe, or a pair of socks, a old bucket, stuff like that. The fun part is when you let go. First timers usually fall flat on their faces. As the saying in both the magical and the muggle world practice makes perfect." 

"What else?"

"I already told you about apparation which most first timers throw up on and what else my favorite mode of transportation because you yell out the name of the place you are going which is Floo powder where you yell  out the name of the place you are going step into a chimney and throw the powder down on the floor and it will take you to the place you wish to go. Did I miss anything Evana?"

The Adventures Of Daisy Potter And Victoria Dursley!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon