Part 2- Living at the Dursley's- 11 years later

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Harry's POV

I woke up in my usual room under the stairs. Dudley woke me up by running up and down the stairs. He screamed "Wake up potter. we are going to the zoo." He was bringing saw dust on my eyes. I was irritated to say the least. Victoria and Daisy were still upstairs in their room. 

"Make breakfast will you and try not to burn anything." Petunia said.  

I said, "Yes aunt Petunia."

"I want everything perfect for my Dudley's special day." That is when Daisy and Victoria make a appearance holding hands. Victoria had gorgeous red hair along with daisy. They were practically inseparable and it was like they could be twins. Even though when the Dursley's are not looking Daisy can change the color of her hair in a instant. Harry knew this and so did Victoria but nobody else. or so they thought. They were told their parents died in a car crash and they believed it. She referred to them as her mutant powers because weird things always happened around the two girls when they were together. Daisy proceeded to start cooking and Dudley looked around the room and saw the presents.

Dudley asked, "How many are there?" 

Vernon said, "36 counted them myself." 

"36  but last year I got 37."He shouted. 

"Dudley calm down I have a present for you upstairs okay you forget you have a loving little sister that cares about you too." 

"Sorry for overreacting sis. I just assumed you didn't get me one."

"Why would you think that? I don't hate you Dudley. I can't it is your birthday. Come here." He then ran and hugged her. 

He said, "Thanks sis." 

"You're welcome big bro. Now no bullying while we are there at the zoo." Dudley made a face and she said, "Dudley!" 

"Fine Victoria." 

"Now I will go get your present. Then I am helping with breakfast."  Victoria headed upstairs. Harry was making the coffee while daisy had the eggs. Then Victoria went upstairs and grabbed her present and came back downstairs and had a tub in wrapping with loads of candy inside. 

He opened the shimmering wrapper and saw all his favorite candies. At the bottom was a wrist watch she won in a arcade game. He hugged his sister and said "Thank you sis." 

"Your welcome dud." She gave him a smirk and then proceeded to make chocolate chip pancakes." She gave a few to Harry and Daisy then they went to the car and Dudley and Victoria sat in the front seat while Harry and Daisy sat in the back of the minivan and they went to the zoo. 

There was a python there and Dudley said "Make him move."

Vernon knocked on the glass, and said "Move". 

Then Dudley banged loudly and said, "Move" 

Victoria said, "Leave him alone he is probably asleep. I would not like to wake up a sleeping python." 

Harry stayed behind and said, "He doesn't understand you lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces on you." That is when the python looked up at the three of us. "can you hear me?" Harry asked. 

The snake shook his head. "Can you understand us?" The snake nodded his head. "I am Victoria and these are my two cousins Harry and Daisy, it is nice to meet you."

"I like her. She looks like a fun girl."  The snake said.

"Thank you. I think I will call you Alfonzo you seem like a Brazilian snake." He then nodded his head towards the sign. 

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