"I'm just teasing," he laughs. "There's no pressure on you to do anything, especially, you know... after what happened."

"It's okay," I smile. I'm still hesitant about how he acted, but we have an agreement now. I'm just yet to see it in action.

"I feel like we've taken a step back," he says.

"Well, we have," I respond. "But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's made us learn more about each other and it's made us reflect on what was going on and how we can improve in the future."

"You sound like Erin," he laughs. "But you're right. Things were intense between us. Something bad was bound to happen."

"And it's better to happen early on than when we're completely invested and can't back out anymore."

"I'm probably too late for me."

"You think?"

"I fucking asked you to be my girlfriend..." he scoffs. "I never thought I'd be the type to do that."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I've dated girls before, but I never wanted anything serious with them."

"And you do with me?"

"Oh, for sure. It's like I'm obsessed with you or something," he snickers. "I just want to be around you. I want to spend time with you and look after you and make you feel good. And not in a sexual way, either. I just want you to be safe and happy."

"Isaac," I purse my lips, trying to hide my smile. "You're too sweet to me."

"Don't you feel the same?"

"Of course," I admit. "I feel all giddy when I'm around you. I never thought I would feel that way. It's like what they show in the movies—all those gushy feelings. When I'm around you, I feel relieved, like I was missing you without realising it."

"You know what that's called, right?" He smirks, clearly joking about whatever he's saying next. "You're in love with me."

"Shut up," I laugh, shoving him aside. "I am so not in love with you. It's way too soon!"

"Fine, fine," he leans back into me. "You're not in love with me yet."

"Yet?" I chuckle. "Someone's hopeful."

"We both know it's true."

"Isaac! We should be studying right now!"

"Nah, this is way more important."

"What is?"

"Making you laugh."

"Oh my god," I Shake my head in amusement. "I can't tell if that's sweet or just extremely cringe-y."

"Both," He grins. "Definitely both."

"You're so special, Isaac."

"Special?" He snickers. "I'm trying to be more romantic."

"You don't need to be more romantic."

"I want to be. I've got to make sure you don't leave me for Prince Charming whenever he comes along."

"Prince Charming?"

"You know what I mean... a nice guy from a rich family with great career prospects who will sweep you off your feet with roses and chocolates and all kinds of romantic gestures."

"That won't happen," I chuckle. "I wouldn't want to be with someone like that."


"Definitely not," I state. "There's no way guys like that would understand me or any of my issues. They'd be far too caught up in keeping their perfect lives perfect. I'd be a burden to them."

In the Absence of LightWhere stories live. Discover now