Next to Godliness.

Start from the beginning

'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!' a loud growling voice shouted. She flinched and brought up her knees to her chest.
It was Loki towering above her, upside down in her vision of him.

'What the hell Loki?! You scared the crap out of me, I'm trying to relax! What are you doing here?'

'Two and a half months. You do not make an appearance. You do not come to see me. You send me no word. I demand to know why!' He spat angrily.

He really is upset...

'What? What are you talking about? I-I...I thought you were... busy...' she said nonchalantly.

'That is no excuse. First you have the audacity to steal from me, then try seduce me...'

'I tried to seduce YOU?!' Y/N Guffawed at the remark and then was quickly silent and serious again when she saw the madness in his eyes.

'I give you my name, trusting you and giving you forgiveness and pardon! I could have taken you back to the Palace you know, had you in eternal servitude! You promised we will meet again and then you don't see me for TWO AND A HALF MONTHS! And I still do not know your name, you infernal woman.'

'I'm infernal?' Y/N said slowly turning around absolutely flabbergasted 'I'M infernal? Need I remind you, that you were the one who strung me up like a chicken in the middle of the woods, cut me down without a care on the cold hard ground.
You then had me march toward what I only could have thought at the time, were going to be my final moments of life.
You then proceeded to put me under your influence, kissed me, undressed me, had your literal god forsaken hands all over me and then called me no more than a dalliance.
You humiliated me.
You treated me like a toy.
And let's get one thing straight, it is a two way street buddy. If you wanted to see me so badly, why did you not come and see me?'

She was furious, how dare he accuse her!

'No probably got too many fancy dancy people to impress back home!' She mocked imitating him doing and scraping.

'I am not stupid Loki, I know your game. And you are a complete arse Loki Odinson!'

They were now both breathing heavy with anger, staring for what felt like hours.

'Move back.' He said lowly.


'I said, move back.'

Y/N dared not ask him again, she waded back in the hot springs away from him keeping her arms crossed over her chest.

In a brief moment with a click of his fingers, Loki's clothing disappeared leaving him completely naked.

Y/N turned away quickly blushing.

I really hope he's a shower and not a grower, cause that is fucking Huge!

She though petrified.
She felt him get into the water as it rippled around her and she trembled with anticipation.
As he neared, she flinched as she felt something soft on her back, stroking softly.
He dipped it in the water in front of her, he had conjured a soft muslin washcloth.

'Now,' he said as he pulled her close to him 'I am going to bathe you, and then you will bath me. And then I shall give you your punishment.'

Y/N nodded helplessly, what else could she do?

Too drowsy and drunk on lust, she leaned back on him.

He brought up the cloth encircling her breasts, he started kissing her shoulder making his way up her neck.

Loki And The ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now