"Tony, don't." Steve sighed, not wanting to start arguing.

"See, you did it again." The genius said, ignoring the look he got from Bruce as he refused to take his eyes off the blond.

"Tony please don't.." Steve warned. "I don't want to fight with you."

"That's the first time."

"Can you stop?!"

"Why? You started all of it." Tony responded nonchalantly, making Steve's blood boil up once again.

"I already said I'm sorry." He said, trying to sound calm but failed terribly. He didn't know how to stop this fight without raising his voice. He knew he would lose this conversation either way because Tony was still angry. Not as much as he was in the cell, but he was stilled pissed off and Steve didn't blame him.

"Oh I know, but does it fix anything?" Tony challenged with furious eyes.


"But what?!"

"Can you two shut up?" Bruce suddenly said, interrupting their little fight with his low and irritaded voice. "You can fight all you want after we get out of here. But for now, just shut the fuck up."

Tony and Steve looked at their friend with surprised eyes, never expecting him to curse or interrupt them in their uncomfortable situation. If Clint did it? Sure, whatever, it wouldn't stop them. But when those words came from Bruce's mouth, it was something else.

They both looked at one another, a small feeling of shame and embarrassment growing in them as their eyes met again. Carefully trying to read each other's thoughts as they heard how Bruce sighed in annoyance and exhaustion. The blond looked at him unsurely, knowing, and understanding that he didn't want to be there. He didn't deserve to be there. None of them deserved it. And it killed him knowing that if he would have stayed home with Tony.

If he just had skipped the whole "grab a coffee" thing, they wouldn't be where they are right now. He should have stayed at his house and protect Tony, the guy who he was so deeply in love with it hurt. They could have stayed in the warm and comfortable bed, just talking and not moving for hours. He would have taken Tony into his arms and bury his nose into his dark and fluffy hair, inhaling his wonderful sent and stroking his hands down his back. He would kiss him everywhere and make sure that no one could take him from him. And now here they were, not knowing if they would even get out of here. Not knowing if he would ever have one of those moments again.

"Get up," Jeremy's voice suddenly said from behind them. His words were slightly shaky and Steve turned around with a confused expression on his face.

"Why? What's wrong?" Tony asked and sat up straight in his chair, looking at the man with a wrinkled forehead as he was suddenly running to the open table.

Jeremy picked up two small but sharp knives and pushed them into the folder of his boots, before picking up a gun and turned to Steve. "Do you know how to use one of these?" He asked.


"Good enough." He said before throwing it over to the blond who struggled a little before catching it. "We're getting out of here, c'mon." He said with a strict voice, setting off towards the door.

"Wait what about the guards?" Bruce asked, following the asian immediately as Steve and Tony shot up from their chairs.

"They're all on their way out of the building, c'mon!" Jeremy commanded again, opening the door and making sure that all three kids got out of the room before closing it again.

And just like he said, the corridor was completely empty except for a few people who ran past them in a hurry. Every one of them was too occupied with their task to pay attention to what was happening in front of their noses. Jeremy looked around himself, checking if anyone suspicious saw them before nodding to the teens. "This way,"

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now