Nine // Home Truths.

Start from the beginning

"Maybe in a few years." Kristy tells him while Bobby shakes his head.

"Don't worry Tommy, I'll get you one." I tell him shooting a smirk at Bobby who glares at me in response.

"Yay!" Tommy claps in excitement.

"Are you sure about that?" Bobby questions and I nod.

"Come on Bobby, it'll be good for him." My mother interjects. My parents were huge animals lovers as was I but Bobby wasn't as keen on animals as we were.

"Like Kristy said maybe in a few years." Bobby shrugs.

"I think that's the best we'll get from him." Kristy adds shaking her head at her husband. "Hopefully though if you end up sticking around Tommy will be able to have Walker around."

"Yeah hopefully." I say with a small smile. I hadn't even had the chance to think about her offer, with the engagement and then the pregnancy It just hadn't crossed my mind but I knew I had to talk to Calum about eventually.

"What's this?" Calum asks walking into the living room. After we had done presents with everyone and eaten Calum had gone to shower and get ready for the day so I had stayed downstairs with everyone while he got ready.

"Oh well Kristy and Bobby are moving here so she's gonna open up a shop here and well long story short she offered me a job." I explain and Calum nods before giving everyone a fake smile.

"Right." Calum says. "That's great." He mumbles before walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"Sorry." Kristy says looking sympathetic.

"No it's my fault for not telling him sooner." I tell her giving her a small smile. "I'll be back." I say excusing myself so I can follow after Calum.

To my surprise he had actually gone outside to the backyard. I wasn't gonna lie I was a little nervous to talk to him about the whole thing, simply because I already knew the plan that he had for us at the moment and that plan did not include moving back to Australia.

"Calum." I say softly as I join him outside.

"Is keeping things from me your new thing or something?" He asks sounding utterly pissed off.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I think you know exactly what it means." He snaps turning to look at me.

"I don't keep things from you Calum. Kristy only offered me the job when I got home and considering what's gone on the last couple of days it hasn't exactly been at the top of my list of things to talk to you about." I explain but Calum's expression stays exactly the same. "But that's not the issue here is it?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Oh really? Then please tell me what is the issue here?" Calum scoffs. I really didn't want to admit to it but it was obviously what the problem was and that hurt more than he would ever know.

"The issue is this baby right? You know I'm not stupid, I know you don't want it but I just wish you had the balls to come out and say it."

"Don't want it? Is that actually what you think?" Calum frowns at me looking totally surprised.

"What else am I suppose to think?"

"That's just great Genie." Calum shakes his head me in pure disbelief. "I love how you've just assumed that's what I feel without even asking me."

"I did ask you! You didn't give me an answer!" I yell beginning to get frustrated.

"Okay you know what I'm not doing this." Calum says before turning around and walking the other way.

"Calum where are you going?" I yell after him but he chooses not to answer instead he leaves through the back gate.

Well merry Christmas.


Calum's P.O.V.

"I'm really sorry, I know it's Christmas but I've gotta talk to you." I say to Ashton as I stand on his front doorstep.

"You're family Cal, it's fine. Come in." Ashton smiles holding the door open.

"Thanks." I say gratefully. I really didn't know why I hadn't spoken to Ashton earlier, he's been where I've been and not too long ago either so it just made sense.

"So what's going on?" Ashton asks looking concerned as We both take a seat in the living room.

"Where's Emma and Alyx?" I ask firstly noticing their absence big time.

"Oh Emma's just putting her down for a nap, she's grumpy and overly tired and the day has only begun." Ashton chuckles.

"Okay right." I nod suddenly feeling nervous. I really didn't even know where to start...

"Look I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess this is about Genie being pregnant right?" Ashton questions and nod in response before letting out a sigh.

"I don't know what I'm suppose to do." I admit. I guess that was a starting point.

"Well clearly you're freaked out." Ashton says pointing out the ovbious. "Which is fine Cal, you're not the first guy and you're not going to be the last."

"You freaked out too?" I ask a frown finding it's way to my face. I hadn't really ever spoken to Ashton about how things went down when Emma first found out she was pregnant.

"Oh yeah big time." Ashton chuckles. "I didn't think we were ready to be parents mostly because of the fact that I wasn't ready to be a dad and then there was the financial side of things because babies aren't yeah I freaked out."

"What changed then?"

"I talked to my mum and she pretty much told me that I needed to get over myself." Ashton tells me before letting out a laugh. "She was right though. My mistake was thinking about how it was going to effect me, I didn't even think about Emma which was incredibly selfish you know? I didn't really speak to her for a couple of days and I just left her on her own."

"I guess I'm guilty of that too." I admit shaking my head. God I was asshole. Who just leaves their fiancée on their own like that? It wasn't like Genie got pregnant on her own.

"Well I figured that seeing as you're here on Christmas day and not with your future wife and child." Ashton shrugs. "You still have time to fix though Calum and even though you don't really deserve the chance to fix it, Genie will give you it because she loves you which is exactly what Emma did."
"I know you're right I do, I just....don't know how I'm suppose to fix it." I tell him.

"Talk to her." Ashton says simply. "Tell her everything that you're thinking and feeling even if you think it's gonna hurt it because that's what she wants. You've gotta remember that you're not the only who's freaking out."

"God I'm such a idiot." I groan.

"Don't sweat Calum, we all are."

"I should go." I say standing up from my seat.

"Yeah you should." Ashton chuckles.

"Thanks Ash." I say giving him a smile. "You have no idea how much you helped."

"No worries man, I'm always here to help okay?"

"Yeah I know." I say before making my way to the front door. "Tell the girls I said merry Christmas."

"Of course, see you later man." Ashton grins.

"See ya." I grin back before walking out the door.

It was time for me to finally make things right.

The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)Where stories live. Discover now