Third Year: Birth

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Peril's POV

I winced as Clay placed me in the car. I heard that childbirth was painful but I didn't know that it was THIS painful. "How dilated is she?" Deathbringer wondered as he shoved himself inside the car. 

"HOW SHOULD I KNOW I'M NOT A STINKING DOCTOR!" Clay yelled. I covered my ears then placed my hand on my stomach. 

"Everybody calm down!" Glory shouted over the noise. "Clay, drive us to the hospital! Deathbringer, grab my hand! Peril, just breathe!" Glory instructed. Deathbringer grabbed Glory's hand without hesitation and I started to breathe. But Clay didn't go to the hospital. 

"We can't go to the hospital," Clay said. 

"What do you mean we can't go to the hospital?!" Deathbringer fumed. "Peril is in labor for crying out loud!" 

"We can't go because Peril is a Burner, remember? She'll burn right through the bed. Just think about all those sonograms beds and her seat!" Clay yelled. There was a pause. 

"Then where should we go? I can't give birth on a beach!" I whined. 

"We go to Moorhen," Glory said. "Go! Go to PPMSD!" she instructed Clay. Clay nodded and started the engine. Clay zoomed away from the beach and started to drive to PPMSD. 

"Deathbringer! Give me your phone!" I cried, groaning in pain. Deathbringer searched through his pants. It was then when I realize that both Glory and Deathbringer were in their swimsuits. I raised my eyebrow but then growled in pain. Deathbringer threw me his phone and I called Turtle. "C'mon pick up!" I growled. 

"Hello?" Turtle said on the phone. 

"T-Turtle it's me, Peril-GAH! OW!" I groaned. 

"Peril where are you? And why are you yelling ow on the phone?" Turtle wondered. 

"I'm in labor!" I panted. "You need to tell Riptide, Tsunami, Sunny, Sky, Kinkajou, Qibli, Moon, and Winter to meet us at PPMSD!" I hissed. 

"O-Okay," Turtle said, obviously shocked. I hung up, not even bothering that Deathbringer's phone was melting. I threw the phone out the window and Deathbringer gasped. 

"Why did you do that?" Deathbringer whined. 

"It was useless even before I melted it," I hissed. Deathbringer didn't argue but I could tell he was still upset. It wasn't long before we reached PPMSD. I didn't know how dilated I was. But I could tell the babies are coming soon. I hissed in pain as Deathbringer and Clay lifted me into the facility. They searched for a wheelchair, when they found one, they sat me down and started to roll me around until they saw Moorhen. 

"Moorhen!" Clay and Deathbringer yelled in unison. "Peril is in labor!" Moorhen turned around and stared at me up and down. Her eyes were wide but she led us into a room that looked like it was finished being installed. Moorhen and Glory helped undress me so I could wear the fire-proof hospital gown. Clay and Deathbringer -- thankfully -- turned around. After I was in the hospital gown, Moorhen used fire-proof gloves and went to see how dilated I was. 

"10 centimeters, time to deliver," Moorhen said. "Peril, when I say push, you push and start breathing out, okay?" she instructed. 

"Wait! I want the drugs! Please!" I cried, tears forming. 

"I'm afraid that it's a little too late for the drugs, sweety," Moorhen sighed. I groaned. "Okay...PUSH!" 

"AGH!" I growled. Every part of my body hurt. But the pain was so unbearable that tears were streaming down my face. 

"PUSH!" Moorhen ordered. 

I did my best but I couldn't help but scream in pain. I searched for someone's arm so I could squeeze it. But I found Deathbringer. I pulled him closer to me and yelled, "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" 

"Well...not really," Deathbringer shouted back. 

"Yeah, but I have no one else to blame because the person I that I want to blame is dead!" I raged. 

"One more!" Moorhen ordered. I pushed once more after doing that, I laid back. "Okay, I know I said one more but now I really need one more!" I groaned but I sat up again and started to push. Suddenly, my screams were cut off by something crying. "The first one is a girl," Moorhen beamed. "Um...Deathbringer, I need you to clean her off," Moorhen instructed. Deathbringer walked away from me and went to wash off the baby. 

As Deathbringer walked away, Clay took his place and grabbed my hand. But even if Clay was with me, all I wanted to do was go over to her and cradle my baby girl. "Peril, one more baby to go. PUSH!" 

"AGH!" I cried as I pushed. I growled in pain and screamed. 

"Peril, squeeze my hand!" Clay said over all the noise. I did as he said. It helped. It helped me a lot. But the pain was still unbearable. 


I screamed and pushed. 


I cried out in pain, the tears streaming down my face. 

"One More!" 

I pushed one last time, screaming. Just like my other baby, I was cut off by the crying of a baby. I laid down and the bump on my stomach was gone. I was done. "It's a boy," Moorhen beamed. She stood up and went to clean him off. Once they were gone, I grabbed Clay's shirt and pulled him to me. 

"I will NOT have any more children," I growled. Clay chuckled and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Just...give me a few years then maybe I'll change my mind...okay?" 

"Okay," Clay smiled. 

"Here you are," Moorhen said as she handed me, my babies. They were so small. So delicate. beautiful. Once they were in my arms, I started sobbing. 

"They're beautiful," I whispered. 

"They're so small," Clay murmured in awe. 

"They're so cute," Glory squealed. I raised my eyebrow, Glory NEVER squeals. 

"They're perfect," Deathbringer whispered. "But I have a are you not burning our children?" 

"I had Turtle enchant me so I would be able to hold them and touch them," I said. I didn't get the reaction that I expected. I expected everyone to be mad at me but they weren't they just focused on the babies. How can these small babies have such a great impact on me? I heard a lot of footsteps coming to us. The door flew open and Riptide, Tsunami, Sunny, Sky, Turtle, Kinkajou, Qibli, Moon, and Winter all skidded into the room. 

"Aw, we missed it!" Sunny sighed. 

"But look at how cute they are!" Sky and Kinkajou said, walking over to us. I still haven't gotten used to the idea of having a brother. But I did like knowing that someone in my family loves me enough to come find me. 

"They're beautiful," Qibli and Turtle gasped. 

"The blood all over the floor isn't," Winter scowled. Moon smacked his arm and walked over to me. 

"I can read their minds!" Moon beamed. "Um, the girl is thinking, Momma. Momma. And the boy is thinking, Foot. Foot. Foot." I chuckled and gave the boy to Glory. 

"Okay, I appreciate you more," Tsunami beamed as she took him from Glory. 

"Congrats, Peril," Riptide said, patting my back. "What are their names?" 

"Callista, for the girl. Aaron, for the boy," I whispered. 

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