Second Year: Moorhen part 2

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Week 14 

Moon's POV

I waited in the courtyard for him. He left me a note to meet him here. I honestly didn't want to meet with him. But I knew that I had to tell him that Qibli doesn't want to be his friend anymore. Also, half of me missed him. Although I hated that he kissed me, he was still my friend. 

Moon? he thought. I looked up and saw him walking toward me. Standing in the moonlight was Winter. His icy white hair shined beautiful in the moonlight. His ice-blue eyes burned into my dark brown eyes. 

"What do you want Winter?" I whined. "What was so important that we couldn't talk about in front of Qibli and our friends?" 

"Moon...I-I just need to know if you are ready to marry..." Winter whispered. 

"I am ready. I'm ready to marry Qibli because that's who I love!" I growled. Winter grabbed my hands, I felt an icy chill on the palms of my hands. 

"Then why are you here?" Winter purred. My eyes flared and I pulled my hands away from him. 

"I'm here because I miss you," I cried. "Even if I don't love you the way I love Qibli, I love you as a friend. I miss you as my friend. And the fact that you and Qibli are fighting isn't helping!" I hissed. Winter's eyes looked pained. "Winter, come back to us," I whispered. "Be our friend again..." 

Winter turned his head. I can't, Winter thought. As much as I want to... I can't. I felt the pain that he felt. I felt the conflict.  

"Why?!" I growled. "Is it because I'm with Qibli? Because if it is then I'm sorry, you just have to deal with it!" 

"No Moon! It's not because of your stupid relationship with stupid Qibli!" Winter exploded. "It's because Qibli said it would be best if we aren't friends anymore! And for once I actually agree with him! Qibli and I shouldn't be friends anymore! I kissed you! I shouldn't have done that! I broke the code, Moon!" Winter shouted. I winced, Winter's shouting could almost wake Qibli up. 


"No! Let me finish!" Winter fumed. "I'm a bad friend, Moon. You deserve Qibli! And Qibli has EVERY right to be mad at me! To want to KILL me! And guess what? He didn't kill me because he is a good guy Moon! So, as much as I want to be your friend again, I can't! I can't!" he ranted. 

Tears started to spill out of my eyes, I couldn't take it anymore. I wiped the tears off my face and pulled Winter to me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "Okay..." I whispered. "Just remember that Turtle, Kinkajou, and I will always welcome you. And when I marry Qibli," I paused. That stung, Winter thought. "he will have to be understanding...Okay?" I wondered. 

"Okay," Winter said. 

"You are a good friend Winter," I said as I walked back to my building. "It was just a mistake..." with that, I left Winter alone in the courtyard. Tears spilled down my face as I climbed up the stairs to my dorm. Once I closed the door, I fell to the floor, sobbing. 


The next day, Qibli and I went to go talk to Moorhen well, Crane. Wait, did Clay know that his sister is alive and well? Or was her being alive supposed to be a secret? I shook my head and followed Qibli inside PPMSD. Once we walked in, we didn't get the welcome that I saw in the future. Everyone just walked around us. Hmm, strange. 

I turned around and I saw Crane walking past us. I grabbed Qibli's wrist. Qibli, it's Crane, I thought, pointing at Crane. 

Qibli looked at Crane. Good eye, let's follow her, Qibli thought. We followed Crane into the room that we trained in. "Crane!" Qibli called. Crane turned her head, she looked at us up and down then smiled. 

"Hey, guys, what are you two doing here?" Crane wondered. 

"We have a question for you," I peeped. 

"Shoot," Crane said. 

"Um, how can other people read my thoughts when I make physical contact?" I quizzed. 

"Show me," ordered Crane. I placed my hand on her wrist and thought about last night. Crane's eyes widened and pulled away. "Interesting..." Crane murmured. "Okay, I think that Mastermind was depressed that night so he accidentally gave you more than two powers. So...yeah. Is that it?" Crane questioned. 

"Yeah, I guess," Qibli muttered. 

"Okay...see y'all later!" Crane smiled. She turned around and walked away. Qibli and I shrugged, we walked into our car. As we were driving I placed my hand on Qibli's knee. 

"Hey, um, last night I talked to Winter..." I whispered, looking at Qibli. Can you block my thoughts please, Qibli thought. I nodded and tried to block out Qibli's thoughts. I thought about raindrops and the thoughts around me got blocked. I felt him tense for about five minutes but then he relaxed. 

"Okay...he's your friend," Qibli said through gritted teeth. "You have the right to be friends with whoever you want. As long as you aren't cheating on me..." Qibli whispered. I smiled weakly then turned on the radio. But that was before I heard him think, I'm just not friends with him anymore so please don't push me to be his friend.

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