Second Year: Forgiveness

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Some Bro-mance for you

Qibli's POV

I stood in front of Winter's dorm. I know it WAS mine too but I moved out after I told him that I didn't want to be friends anymore. I took a deep breath and prepared to knock on the door. I don't know how Moon did it but she somehow convinced me to give Winter a second chance on being my friend. 

I took a deep breath again and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps walking over to the door. The door opened and out came Winter. He looked apologetic and welcomed me in. We sat on the couch for about an hour silently. "Um...Winter...I need to ask you something," I said. 

"Go ahead," Winter said. 

"Um, do you love Moon?" I wondered. 

There was a pause then Winter said, "no." 

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Listen Qibli," Winter murmured. "I used to love Moon with all my heart. But now I've learned to move on."

"Okay. hurt me. More than anyone in my life has ever hurt me," I whispered. Winter looked at the floor ashamed. "It took a lot of my courage to not knock you out-"

"As if you could," Winter scoffed. I raised my eyebrow and Winter shut up. 

"But...I'm going to forgive you," I said. 

"Wait...really?" Winter beamed. 

"Yeah. And I want to try to be your friend again," I smiled. Winter stood up and hugged me. I was stiff for a bit. This was the first time Winter has ever hugged me before. So many jokes poured into my head. "Aw, is the Icy Prince going soft?" I chuckled. 

"Don't start," growled Winter. I laughed and hugged him back. I missed him. I missed my bro. 

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