Third Year: Gender

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Week 13 

Peril's POV

Everything was going way to fast, I just had my fifth ultrasound last week. Now I was at the doctor's office to see if I was having girls, boys, or both. Deathbringer and Clay were by my side and Glory was by Deathbringer's side.  Dr. McGee walked in and put her hands over her eyes. I guess she still isn't used to Clay and Glory being here. 

"Um, let's see what your babies' gender are," Dr. McGee said. She prepared everything and then went to the machine that looked like an old fashioned tv. Dr. McGee scanned the screen and then gasped. 

"What is it, Dr. McGee?" Deathbringer asked, leaning over me. I had to shove him away so that I could breathe. Little red finger marks were made on Deathbringer's arm. Deathbringer winced but didn't move. 

"There's this weird substance in Peril's body. I can't explain's just...unnatrual," Dr. McGee said. 

"Heard that one before," Glory muttered. 

"It's probably something I ate," I said, trying to cover up my and Deathbringer's supernatural abilities. Dr. McGee didn't look convinced but she dropped it. Wow, this doctor was REALLY bad, I thought to myself. Shouldn't doctors be trying to help people. If I was a normal person I would want someone to figure out what was in me. 

"Well...the baby A's gender is girl and baby B's gender is boy," Dr. McGee smiled. Deathbringer beamed, Clay was squeezing my hand happily, and Glory was clapping and squealing like a two years old girl did when she gets a barbie dreamhouse for Christmas. Dr. McGee saw our expressions then left the room. 

Once the white door closed, my sobs started coming. But as soon as the salty wet tears hit my skin, they evaporated into thin air. Clay turned to me with a confused expression. "What's wrong Peril?" he asked. 

"I-I can't b-believe that I'm having a girl and a boy," I sobbed. "Is it possible for me to love something so much before I even see it or meet it?" I cried. Clay chuckled but tears rolled down his face. 

"Yes Peril. Yes it's possible," whispered Clay, hugging me. I heard more tears behind me, I turned around and saw Glory sobbing onto Deathbringer's shoulders. Hmm, I guess this was an emotional ride for Glory too. 

"I also can't believe that my children are going to have powers," I murmured. "Speaking of which, we have to ask Moorhen how that's possible," I said. 

"I know, but right now, let's focus on our children," Deathbringer spoke. I nodded but didn't let go of Clay. He was my home. I never thought that I needed anybody else. That was until I figured out that I was having children. These children were going to be the light of my life, I will love them more than I love myself or Clay. It sounds impossible...but for some reason, I know I could do it. 

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