part 39: a true queen.

Start from the beginning

Issei: you dyed your hair?

Thor: indeed. I'm a natural red head but my facial hair is natural blonde.

Issei: heh that's your biggest secret?

Woman in the arena: does the carpet match the drapes?

Thor: Madam how vulgar!

(Issei: not the most shocking truth that I learned about red heads).

Rias: *achooooo...sniff*..that was big one. Hurt a bit.

Irina: I'd say "bless you" but.....

Rias: it's the thought that counts. Thanks.

Ravel got tired of just sitting and promoted to queen. She put on her air pods and played a song.

She transformed into a phoenix, her feathers were over her ears and kept the air pods in place, she attacked the remaining warriors and defeated them and they didn't see this coming.
Issei saw this and realized something.

(Issei: hey Ddraig I just realized, our peerage can use fire but I didn't use it in a fight yet, one of you unique abilities is your fire breath that only Albion is immune to. Right?

Ddraig: ah yes, let use it.)

Issei knocked Thor away and Issei started swinging the hammer from it's wrist strap. The wind and lightning created a storm, Thor smiled and created a storm, Issei then made the winds twist and created a small tornado, he unleashed a fire breath that was becoming a fire tornado. Ahri saw this and had an idea, she created a chakra sphere and added her cero flames to it, the flames danced around the sphere and created a 4 point star that spun.

(Sif: what is she doing? Mere flames can't hurt me.)

Sif ran towards Ahri, she threw ascalon at Sif like a javelin. She raised her shield to block it but all it did was cover her line of sight. She raised her sword, Ahri used Sonido and appeared on top of Sif while retrieving the sword, she grabbed her arm so she can't use her weapon. Sif looked up and saw Ahri plunge that sphere into her back, Sif's entire body went straight down and hit the ground, the sphere expanded it released a powerful gust of wind and flame, Ahri leapt away and saw Sif retire.

Ahri: it's just you and him, win this for us love!!

Issei: you got it!


Thor poured as much power he could into this attack, Issei divided the tornado into his gear and every one was baffled. Issei used his balance breaker: Vasto Lorde.

He merged his cero into it, enough to take Thor down, he took a direct hit and it overpowered him. The force pushed Ahri backwards and Ravel planted her talons into the ground for grip. The storm was blown away from the attack and seconds later there was Thor still in mid air.

Thor: Issei Hyoudo.... You have earned.... Mjolnir.

He started to fall and was enveloped in a green light. He retired.

Azazel: and the winner is team Issei!!;

The crown cheered, Ravel reverts back to her old form and Ahri relaxes. They walk over to Issei who's new balance breaker disappeared, his wounds already healing. Ahri came up from behind him and jumped on his back.

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