YouTube AKA We Have Our Own Crazy Rich Son of a Billionaire

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-This is for (Just give me a second i have to go look up your currant name because you CHANGE it way to damn much, i know how Jess feels) @sakisilk.  

"Holy Shit. Richard where are you. WERE MAKING A YOU TUBE VIDEO NOW." Artemis yelled as she finished watching a Mr Beast Video. It wasn't that Hard to do she thought. All they had to do was show how crazy stinking rich they were. Well how crazy Stinking rich Dick was.



"No, Wally you can't race against the Ferrari." "Why? Because your faster than it."

"Dick, you need to swing around the corner, it'll be good content."

"Yes, hold it right there."

"Excellent Kal, See, he can drive a Car right and he's from aTlAnTiS."

"I'm the director because it was my idea."

"Dang it, why did you have to crash the Mustang, couldn't you of stacked the Ford?"

"Yes Conner, you can race the Dodge." "Because, he's more entertaining than you are."

Meg'z, i love you, I really do. But please, for the sake of sanity and everything good in this world, don't crash the Tesla."



That was how nearly 7 hours of filming and over 18 hours of editing because Jesus Christ how many times Artemis do we have to say not to yell out our names a YouTube video was on the YouTube Chanel "Don't call us Sidekicks" was released.

"That was so much fun." Wally said, finally getting all the motor grease of his face.

"Would have been better if we didn't crash 6 high powered sports cars. But it's whatever, Bruce is just going to kill me." Dick said laying on his boyfriends lap.

"It's going to be fine, Ollie can cover the bill." Artemis told the younger. "Trust me, would i ever intentionally get you into trouble with the bats?" She asked the Ravenette.


"Okay, Maybe i would but it's going to be fine."

"Tell me that after i've been grounded for life."

"Maybe we could go on a random vacation and hide until he forgets about it." She suggested.

"No way, no thank you. I'm good." Dick said, remembering how beaten Wally was the day after they got back.

"Fine, fine. But it's going to be okay. You need to stop worrying so much. What could the Bat's really do to you?" Artemis watched as dick shivered, trying to not think about what Batman could possibly do to his Protégé.

"A lot. He could do a shit ton. Trust me."



Bruce Wayne was at work, doing his job as CEO of Wayne Enterprises. That was until he got a notification on his phone. He clicked it and it turns out the team had uploaded a You Tube video. Clicking on it he began to watch. It started with it's classic intro. It was all well and good, that was until it cut to the League Track, a special track designed to test League vehicles. It only got worse as he saw several highly expensive and powerful cars behind them.

It only got worse as several of those car's were destroyed. Including his prized Ferrari. By the time he was done he was furious.

Hence hoe Dick Grayson was Grounded for 3 months. The Team and Robin getting benched for the same time. All was forgiven when they stopped the League from taking over the world. But never again were they to use more than $100,000 Dollars on a video.

-Sorry i haven't written much recently. I've had zero motivation to write. But now i'm getting back into the swing of things.

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