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They said everything happens for a reason and I'm grateful for all the lessons I learnt as I wont be repeating some of them a second time back but as I look at the mother of my child all the lesson I learnt come rushing back and it feels like I been hit by a brick wall, a very solid brick wall. Needing to comfort my problems I do the exact opposite and walk the other way not ready to have the conversation that she wants, i'm a grown ass man and I'm afraid of a five foot six women, what has my life come too. Hiding in the back room off my garage I'm hoping she doesn't have it in her to trespass but who am I kidding this women would do anything for what she wants apart from be a mother to see her Harley that she hasn't seen in years and the mother of the year goes to her, round of applause. Thinking off all the hurtful words I could say to her I don't as I'm the bigger person needing space to think properly and not be ambush like this. Using the back door I quietly make my way to the pick up truck needing a little drive to calm myself down not sure how she has such big balls coming to me and ambushing me like that, what happened to the money she took out my bank to disappear, probably on plastic surgery I seen she has bigger bombs and completely looks different with all those implants but I can spot a bitch from a mile away, they all smell the same, like a desperate bitch. 

Following my heart to lend me to where I need to go I end up at the park where Harley meet his first friend and as I pull up it takes me less then five seconds to know that Harley is my happiness and I don't need the she devil in my life, I know our boy is old enough to decide but the need for a mother would cloud his judgement and as a parent I have to protect him even if that means i'm the bad parent and he hate me, I can live with that as long as he doesn't get hurt. Sitting in the car thinking I finally head back to the garage but on my way back I see a car at the side of the road, looks like its broken down. Pulling up behind the car I climb out ready to help with my tools in my pick up truck, walking around to the hood, I spot the blonde hair straight away taking a step back noting the car, knowing straight away who it is I start to get nervous, I haven't seen her since she stopped at the garage and spoke to my son, she surely left an impression on him as he talks about her all the time makes me wonder what they actually spoke about. 

"You need any help?" I ask observing her as she looks at her engine trying to figure out what's wrong, I know she might know a bit about cars but ill feel a lot safer if I looked over the car as I don't want her driving a car that could drop at any moment or her being left darkness at the side of the road, its not safe for anyone. Bringing her face to mine I can't help but stare at her blue eyes, they are her best feature and she knows it as she looks me up and down 

"The battery has gone, how about a jump start" nodding my head to her question I head back to my truck and moving it to be in front of her car, it shocked me to know it took her less time to know the problem but I would still love to look over the car. Giving a helping hand to Callie I can't help but watch her as she looks like she knows what she's doing, I would like to know more about her but seeing how guarded she is i'm not sure thats the best idea, she was open on the plane but we never really spoke about her she always skipped around the question, what is making her tick. 

"Thank you" Callie says as she closes the hood on her car but it was my pleasure if I got to see her again and a smile on her face, although I am curious as she's been here more then a week, is this vacation longer then a week or is she going back to deployment. I want to ask the question but I don't want to over step, it could be a touchy subject. 

Giving back the jump leads I don't say anything else not wanting to over step but ill get my hands on her car one way or another, watching her leave I climb back in my truck heading back to the garage hoping that the she devil has gone, I have work to finish and not enough hours in the day as i'm down a employee as David has class today. Making it back I don't spot her car and a sign of relief leaves my mouth, I thought I had a little longer before she came round. I know it makes me a pussy trying to avoid my ex but I cant help it, I thought I had more time before she came running back into our life, I'm not even sure what she wants but I know one thing and thats she's not getting her crawls into my son, she's literally the devil. 

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