one last night

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Callie pov

Though out the day I have embracing what's going to be happening next as after today the boys are going tomorrow morning and after the two weeks I have been with them I don't want them too, I have enjoyed each moment and created new memories with each other, I am going to miss them a awful lot but I have promise them I would write to them even if the letter don't get to them straight away, I just wish I could go with them but I cant it hurts to much, I haven't gotten over the lost and me being with the army I'm never going to be able to move on and focus on my future, I'm being selfish not wanting them to leave but a apart of me knows I'm going to have to let them go, it what they want. Sitting outside on the steps everyone else is round the back waiting for the food to cook taking in the smell of cooking spicy ribs knowing they wont be having food like this when they leave

"there you are, I thought you disappeared on us" I hear Jacob say wrapping a blanket around my shoulders trying to keep my warm as the wind picks up a little, folding my arms in the blanket I place my head on his shoulder enjoying being in each other company. Jacob has done a awful lot for me the day kai died, he never left me alone and refused to leave mysids making sure I'm ok, we was joined to the hip when we started training together, became instant friends sharing secrets with each other, he has been my shoulder to cry on. I'm scared I'm going to lose him too, I have already lost my fiancé I cant lose my right hand man either.

"I just needed a minute, lets go before the boys eat all the food" I say climbing too my feet with the blanket wrapped around me tightly, looking at Jacob he climbs to his feet with a smile. Walking side by side we join the others who have already dined into the food but like a father Paul is he left me and Jacob some not leaving us out, he knows how the boys are with food. Taking a seat on the bench we all enjoy the barbecue Paul made and the salad teresa made, I'm couldn't be happier knowing I have my own little family right here to lend on if I ever need them, what would I do without them.

Circled around the bonfire we are all wrapped in blankets with a bag marshmallow in our hands, as whats a bonfire without snacks you cant go wrong with food. Smiling and laughing with each other we enjoy our last night together as a family before they leave knowing they be leaving pretty early in the morning but as I'm deep into though I'm being hit in the head with a marshmallow bring me back to whats happening now, looking around for the idiot who throw a marshmallow I start throwing them at everyone, breaking the silence into laughter as we have a marshmallow fight, knowing we are all care free and fun none of us care about the mess we make as we throw them about, as we run out of marshmallows Jacob ends up picking me up swinging me around laughing before falling to the floor in a pit of laugher. Once our laughter has calmed down we watch the stars above in silence, enjoying the moment

"we are going to miss you Callie, it doesn't feel the same without you" I hear Jacob say sitting up right followed by everyone else , I know where he's coming from as I hate not being with the boys but I'm just not ready to come back yet, everyone in the services knew me and kai was engaged to be married and going back with everyone giving me pity looks, I cant.

"I'm one email or letter away, but in the meantime I'm always in here fighting with you" I say pointing to my heart, I may not be right there fighting with them but doesn't mean I cant be there in spirit, I know the boys know if there was ever a problem I would be there in a heart beat for them but me coming back feels like I'm walking backwards right now. I need to focus on walking forward before I can think about rejoining the army and being happy again.

This is the last time I will see these guys till there next leave, pulling everyone into a hug we all stand there arms wrapped around each other, we are family and nothing breaks family apart. Standing there for a couple of minutes we finally break apart and head inside, the boys go in a few hours and I don't want to wave them goodbye, as within these two weeks they have bought the smile I once had out and made me laugh, they are my reason for living right now. I know I have to find something to make me happy but no one going to be able to do that as good as these boys, they have always been my anchor for the past eight years.

Waking up I don't have the same smile I once have knowing the boys are leaving shortly, they promised they wouldn't leave without saying a goodbye even though I hate saying them, walking downstairs all the boys are packed and ready to go, I'm going to miss them like crazy, who's going to annoy me or steal all my goodies, it wont be the same. Running up to each brother I wish them the best and not to get hurt, I have already lost my fiancé I cant lose a brother. Following the boys out the door I stand with Jacob parents as we wave them goodbye knowing I wont be seeing them in months which hurts as its not as easy as it looks to watch your brothers in arms fight without you, watching the car leave I stand there in between teresa and Paul hugging them both, I know how they feel every time we went off, and how it hurts

"They are going to be ok. darling" nodding my head they both head inside as I take a seat on the steps needing a bit of alone time to adjust to not seeing them now everyday, taking a moment outside I finally head back in packing my bag ready to go back home and get back to normal, the quicker I do that the quicker I can adjust to not seeing them.

Climbing downstairs with my bag I kiss both Jacob parents before making my way to my car knowing exactly where I'm going, rolling down the window I wave goodbye before pulling off. Following the roads back to my town I start humming to the radio jamming alone tapping my fingers on the wheel enjoying the peace, when I had the boys in the car they wouldn't shut up and kept singing alone with the music well tried knowing none of us can actually sing. remembering the good times a tear rolls down my face but I'm quick to wipe it away, as once I start I don't think I be able to stop myself. Driving past the hometown sign I lower the music and drive to the garage wanting to finish the car I started, theres a few parts to add and then I'm almost completed it, those two weeks the boys was here they helped me with everything and instead of it being my project car, it became ours and now thinking about it, I couldn't of completed it without them. Pulling up to the garage I have a small smile on my face as I see my car freshly painted, good thing the part I have to add are in the hood of the car and under it or I would have messed the paint job up. I cant believe how the car turned out, this is what I love to see.

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