moving on

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Walking out the store the first person I spot almost looks like the girl from the plane, she had the same colour hair but I couldn't be too sure as honestly I wasn't looking at her face that much, she had the hottest legs I seen, she looks like one of the models you only see on magazines. Thinking back to the girl on the plane I can't help but think about how much we got along she was so easy to talk to and had a beautiful smile and laugh, I could even get lost in her blue eyes. Remembering what she was wearing I knew it was best if we just exchange first names as I couldn't get mixed with a army solider, it would hurt me too much when she left or if she didn't make it home, she didn't tell me much about what she's doing but I just counted it as leave, she looked young so retirement was far from leaving. Shaking my mind from the girl I try to remember her name I think it was Callie, I don't know how could I forget her name, she definitely left an expression on me. Ignoring the thoughts in my head I make my way back to the garage knowing I have at least three cars to work on and not enough hands, I have two employees sam and David, working at the garage but one is part time as he's still a student David. I'm not sure what he's studying but he wanted a job and I was in need of another set of hands and lucky me he's good with what he does. Throwing the bags in the passenger seat I make my way back wondering if I would pass the jogger again, needing a second look, we did part ways not sure where each other was going. 

Pulling into the garage I head straight to the back room placing the food in the fridge knowing the boys will be in here any second calling dibs on food like always, every time I go food shopping I end up with a list from both the boys telling me what to grab but they still take my food. Water in my hands I head onto the floor ready to drag myself under the car where ill be for couple of hours sorting an exhaust of the first car, I'm not sure what the customer has done to it but apparently she can hear rattling when she drives and insists its coming from under the car, using the jacks I lift the car up with a flashlight attached to my head and one beside me I start to work. Leaving the boys on there own I focus on the car needing to get it finished by the time the lady comes back for it, looking at the exhaust I notice its not attached correctly and there banging together, looks like someone used duck tape to keep them together, I see a lot of people sorting there own cars out and using duck tape which doesn't work well it does for a short time but not as long as they hope and end us coming to us with more damage done. Spotting the error I make an hour and half to fix it and go over the car making sure nothing else is rattling before moving the car to the front waiting for its owner to come and collect. Taking a look at the clock I start on the second car that David has already started, over the year he has been here I have taught him a couple of things but the most I have learnt is that all David needed was someone to believe in him, the guy came with a criminal record but nothing dangerous, just got caught with a bag of drugs on him. I sent him to clean his mess us with signing him up for college and gave him a job, he's doing a lot better for himself, nearly a year clean which I love, he's like a baby brother I always wanted but I got a baby sister Alexander instead who I do love but she's a pain and lucky me a teacher at David college, she looks out for him when Im busy. 

Finishing up I have sent the boys home ready for an early start tomorrow, the clients have picked up there cars and paid which I love and now I get to head home to my son Harley who's at his grandparents right now, he loves it there only because they spoil him like there's no tomorrow. Climbing in my pick up truck I make waves to my parents house wanting to see my son, I haven't seen him all day with him being at school and i'm working, i'm not sure what Im going to do when there's a holiday with school but ill think about that when It comes. Making it too my parents I head inside seeing Harley sat with grandpa watching baseball while mother in the kitchen doing food, I head straight into the kitchen greeting mother only because I know theres food on the counters

"Debbie called she wants to see you" shaking my head at my mother I try not to think about Debbie who dropped our son at my door and then disappeared not wanting to be in her own sons life and now that he's ten she wants back in, yeah I don't think so. It doesn't work like that in fact I regret even dating her, she was lovely at first and when she was pregnant she expected a ring and everything even more time which I couldn't give which made me end our relationship, we lived separately for about a month after Harley was born and before he was one she left. 

"yeah I don't think so, I don't want to see her and I don't think she wants to see her son either. she's probably after more money" I say before checking my son isn't hearing me talk about his mother the way I am even though I have been honest to him about his mother I won't say anything bad in front of him neither would my parents. They both love my son and treat him perfectly but I can't say the same about his mother, my father literally hates her for what she did, no child should go without a mother. Kissing my mother cheek I head too the lounge sitting next to my son watching the game before we head off. I adore the bond my parents have with my son and only wish Debbie stayed in the photo for her son sake instead of me breaking his heart. 

Once the baseball game has finished I pick my sleepy son up from the sofa and carry him to my pick up truck trying not to wake him, looking at him I know he tried himself out and its adorable the way he sleeps, I have such a sweet little boy. Fastening him I make my way home needing my bed also, driving home it doesn't take us long and before I know it I'm closing my son bedroom door before heading downstairs and sitting on the couch, on the ride back to my house Harley slept though it all and didn't wake up once which was a good sign as he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep when we got home. Thinking about every thing I think about the garage which has been doing really good recently with a lot more people coming to me to get their car fixed, word must of gone round that I was good at what I do. Looking at my phone I have a couple of texts from Debbie but I haven't replied, there's no enough hours in the day to forgive her for what she did, I been told to move on and live my life but little harder done then said when she's always going to be in our lives annoying the shit out of me, I been the bigger person thought out this and i'm glad I never married her knowing that would have been like kicking myself as she have access to everything that I have and she knew that the way she pushed to us to get married, i'm not as stupid as she thought I was, I may leave my heart of my sleeve but towards the end she didn't have my heart anymore, my son had my heart. Moving on is the best and maybe tomorrow is a new day. 

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